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他相信人类必然会开发太空以求生存。He believes man must colonise space to survive.

然而,至今我们对这些拓殖地球的最小生物体的了解,竟然少之甚少。Still, we know surprisingly little about the smallest beings that colonise Earth.

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这组科学家发现Asaia菌生活在蚊子的胃和唾液腺中。The researchers found that Asaia colonise the mosquitoes' gut and salivary glands.

当他在1969年7月首次踏上月球时,人类似乎感觉可以很快向其他星球进行殖民了。When he set foot on the Moon in July 1969, it seemed as if humanity would soon colonise other worlds.

科学家声称在阿根廷发现了曾生活在陆地上的最古老的植物的化石。Fossils of the oldest plants ever to colonise land have been discovered in Argentina, scientists claim.

当婴儿们从产道出生,细菌占据了他们的肠道时,他们就第一次暴露于细菌之下。Babies get their first exposure to bacteria that colonise their guts as they travel down the birth canal.

在理论上,全球变暖可能让这些病媒扩散到它们此前无法定居的地区。In theory then, global warming might allow these vectors to spread into areas they weren't previously able to colonise.

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19世纪70年代,由于亚洲企业开始称霸世界市场,因此日本企业开始在皮卡迪利广场的广告牌上纵横天下。As Asian companies began to conquer global markets in the 1970s, so Japanese businesses started to colonise the Piccadilly boards.

非洲国家知道,中国不会去殖民非洲,因为中国从自身经历中,体会到了的殖民给当地人民带来的屈辱。Africa is confident that China will not colonise Africa because China understands the humiliation of colonisation from its own experience.

“我们饶有兴趣的是,是否行为的灵活性能给某个特定的物种增加成功移民进城的机会,”,Maklakov博士说。‘We were interested whether behavioural flexibility can increase the chance of a given species to successfully colonise cities,’ said Dr Maklakov.

泄漏于海、河的石油可导致海、河生物群落的衰退和死亡,其硫化物可致船体腐蚀。The oil leaked into sea or river may cause colonise of living things in sea or river fall and die. And its sulfide may cause corrosion to the body of a ship.

他们收集了海量的序列片段,其中包括数千种来源于具有拓殖特定栖息地的生物群体的遗传信息。They collect ast amounts of sequence fragments, which contain genetic information of thousands of species forming communities that colonise a certain habitat.

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整个游戏节将以迄今为止最大的比赛“卡坦岛”作为结束,到时将有1000人角逐殖民虚构荒野。The whole thing will be capped off with the largest contest yet seen of "The Settlers of Catan", in which 1,000 people will compete to colonise a fictional wilderness.

在19世纪中叶,挪威政府渴望与人民开拓一处它只是在名义上拥有的殖民地,在这里给从南方来的贫困农民免费提供土地。In the mid-19th century the Norwegian government, eager to colonise with people a terrain it owned in name only, offered free land here to impoverished farmers from the south.

克劳维斯人被认为是第一批从亚洲移居到北美洲开拓殖民地的人们,据说是所有现在印第安部落的祖先。The Clovis people were believed to be the first to colonise North America after emigrating from Asia, and are said to be the ancestors of all present day Native American tribes.

美国不能把鼎力支持给予这样一个以色列政府-----宣称说它与两国基础性原则无关,并且将继续占领约旦河西岸。America cannot give unstinting support to an Israeli government that says it is resiling from the fundamental principle of two states and will continue to colonise the West Bank.

约一万年前,澳大利西亚人穿过巴布亚新几内亚征服了太平洋地区。他们最初乘坐的很可能就是这种简单的竹筏子。Tens of thousands of years ago, the Austronesians migrated their way through Papua New Guinea to colonise the Pacific. They probably started off in little bamboo craft, like this.

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这种生物跟绿脓杆菌一样也喜欢温暖潮湿的居住环境,于是一场争夺他们共同人类宿主殖民地的殊死争斗在两者之间展开,各自动用群体感应信号武器攻击对方。This organism likes the same warm, moist habitats as P. aeruginosa and the two battle it out in a bid to colonise their human hosts, deploying quorum-sensing signals as weapons against each other.