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它具有破坏性。It's disruptive.

尽管如此,它还是有破坏性的。But it is disruptive nonetheless.

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不过改变本身可能是破坏性的。But the thing about change is it’s disruptive.

许多项目失败了,许多项目四分五裂,支派横生。Many projects fail, but some become very disruptive.

因为他制造混乱,4年级就被开除。He was expelled in fourth grade for being disruptive.

这么大的改变将会是极具破坏性的。Such a huge change would have to be highly disruptive.

很难想像一个更具有破坏性的商业模式。It’s hard to envisage a more disruptive business model.

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老师说史蒂芬经常扰乱课堂秩序。The teacher said Stephen was often disruptive to class.

所以这个决定对她还说极为不利。So her decision was one that was very disruptive for her.

这个颠覆性的举动有其多面性。There are multiple facets to this remarkably disruptive move.

所有这些情况都造成不稳定、破坏和昂贵的代价。All of these events are de-stabilizing, disruptive and costly.

当然,不要有干扰性的行为,不要有干扰性的行为。And, of course, no disruptive behavior, no disruptive behavior.

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表面看来,其胆大妄为,且颠覆常理,又荒诞可笑。It is audacious, disruptive and preposterous on the face of it.

但也许实时竞价的增长会极具破坏性。But the growth of real-time bidding may prove highly disruptive.

没有了创始人,硅谷最有杀伤力的公司是否能再续辉煌?Can Silicon Valley's most disruptive firm prosper without its maker?

欧洲方面任何大的震荡都会对美国产生相当大的破坏性影响。Any major disruption in Europe is pretty disruptive to the US as well.

TWC的iPad应用创新破坏之少,殊难想象。It is hard to imagine a less disruptive innovation than TWC’s iPad app.

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管理员有权封禁多次进行扰乱性编辑的新帐号。Sysops may also block new user accounts that make lots of disruptive edits.

这种抽筋会对睡眠造成影响,但并无生命危险。These cramps are disruptive to sleep but are not life-threatening in any way.

作为近期内的趋势,她把云计算评价为“极具突破性的技术”。As a near-term trend, she cited cloud computing as a "very disruptive technology."