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波恩茅斯是多塞特郡最大的城市。Bournemouth is the largest town in Dorset.

我们驾了一辆单骑独座的小马车经过道塞特家的住宅。We drove in a buggy past the Dorset house.

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我们驾了一辆单骑独座的小马车经过道塞特家的住宅。We drove in a buggy past the dorset house.

去年夏天布朗首相去多西特度假仅在那待了四个小时。Mr. Brown's summer holiday in Dorset lasted just four hours.

多赛特郡警察局的马什说,八月份是偷窃案极其猖獗的月份。August is a particularly bad time for thefts, says Steve Marsh of Dorset Police.

我嫁给了一头多赛特灰毛羊了,她心想,现在整天就知道咩-咩-咩的。I married a Dorset gray, she thought, and now it's just baa-baa-baa, all day long.

这个多赛特灰毛羊竟有读书的嗜好,她心想,然后朝他扔去。He even has the reading tastes of a Dorset gray, she thought, and hucked it at him.

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一个清新灿烂的早晨,我站在多塞特布满岩石的荒芜海滩上。A dazzlingly clear morning and I am standing on a rock-strewn, deserted beach in Dorset.

位于英国多赛特镇韦茅斯海滩的第一所世界沙堡酒店。World's first sand castle hotel at Weymouth beach in the seaside Town of Dorset in the UK.

最后,他们同多塞特与威尔特郡的火警救援队取得联系而获救。Eventually, they contacted Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue team, who took them to safety.

位于英国乡村地区多塞特郡的温伯恩明斯特小集镇被称为是最健康的居住地。The small market town of Wimborne Minster in rural Dorset was named the healthiest place to live.

2009年,当这具多塞郡上龙的颅骨被公诸于世的时候,古生物学家对其颚骨进行了测量。Paleontologist measures the jaw bone of the Dorset pliosaur in 2009, when the find was first announced.

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与对照组相比,可提高无角陶赛特公羊一次射精量0。The one-time ejaculate volume of Poll Dorset ram, sperm density and sperm motility rate increased by 0.

在东部,萨墨赛特和多希特联合铁路自南部将巴斯和多希特穿过,并且经过威尔斯。In the east, the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway ran south from Bath into Dorset, and also served Wells.

同时出展的还有该多塞郡上龙的数码模型,建模所用的数据来自一台高能微焦CT扫描仪。A digital model of the Dorset pliosaur was also created using data from a high-energy, microfocus CT scanner.

他的大部分作品都以其出生地多塞为背景,并以“威塞克斯小说”著称于世。Most of his novels have his native place Dorset as their setting, and is known for his famous "Wessex novels".

从而验证了无角多赛特羊和当地蒙古羊免疫水平上的差异。The result testified the difference of anti-infection for Nematodirus spp between Poll Dorset and Mongolian sheep.

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上周日在当地一年一度的“体验多西特”节上,塔夫斯镇长的名字被再次选中,意味着他要继续自己第二个镇长任期。Mayor Tufts' name was picked Sunday during annual Taste of Dorset festival to be mayor of Dorset for a second term.

他们发现在曼彻斯特、利物浦和伯明翰的房租比北德文、北多塞特和赫福德郡的便宜。It found it is cheaper to rent in Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham than in north Devon, north Dorset or Herefordshire.

查尔斯·图尔特·尔斯,飞机师、尔斯-罗伊斯工程公司的创建人之一,在多塞特郡死于空难。Charles Stewart Rolls, aviator and co-founder of the engineering firm of Rolls Royce, was killed in an air crash in Dorset.