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家庭观。Fifth, family view.

和铁塔来张远景合照吧。Far view with tower.

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点击这里看大图。View full size here.

我也有同样的观点。I have the same view.

翼形螺母的俯视图。Top view of wing nut.

上雨崩村的景色…The view of up Yubeng.

查看已扫描文件。View the scanned file.

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他同意我的看法。He assented to my view.

同我们分享你的观点吗?Share with us the view.

烟雾模糊了我们的视野。Smog obscures our view.

方头螺栓的俯视图。Top view of square nut.

你对障碍的看法。Your view of obstacles.

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她对我的看法提出异议。She demurred to my view.

把你的工作视为一种责任。View your job as a duty.

她抱定儿子并没有死的希望不放。He clung to his own view.

这种观点是不正确的。That view is wrongheaded.

一顶视图的拖拉机。A top view of the tractor.

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鲍勃·鲁普则有第三种看法。Bob Rupp has a third view.

说有权势,也能做官。That power, can also view.

这是悲观的观点。That's the pessimist view.