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与我们分享吧!Share with us!

对话与分享。Talk and share.

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袒露你的恐惧。Share your fears.

口水直流一大摊。DC saliva a share.

跟大家分享分享吧。Plz share with us.

如果有的话,请分享。If so please share.

人人都得平均分享。All must share alike.

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不要共享性玩具。Don't share sex toys.

先收下来,感谢分享!Thank for your share.

经典老曲,谢谢分享。Thanks for your share.

如何分享耶路撒冷?How to share Jerusalem?

让我们风雨同舟!Let us share hardships!

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同我们分享你的观点吗?Share with us the view.

他们每人都有一份。They each have a share.

赠人玫瑰,手有余香。You share rose get fun.

请教炒股票问题?Consult fry share issue?

别担心。我会跟你一起分担的。Don't worry. l'll share.

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我同意他的观点。I share his perspective.

哥儿俩共用一架波音767飞机。The two share a 767 jet.

和我分享这方面的关注。And I share this concern.