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医学超声诊断系统是机械波的作用。Supersonic is a kind of mechanical waves.

空气对超音速物体的反应类似于液体。Air reacts like a fluid to supersonic objects.

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他们乘坐超音速飞机去了一个美丽的城市。They took a supersonic aircraft to a beautiful city.

一架协和式超音速客机正降落在跑道上。Touching down on the runway is a Concorde supersonic jet.

凹腔是高湍流度超声速燃烧的火焰稳定装置。Cavity is flame holder in high turbulent supersonic combustion.

它适用于超音速和低的高超音速范围,并可用于中等攻角和侧滑角。It is valid in the range of supersonic and low hypersonic speeds.

这是用超音波把平常的自来水分解成雾状。The supersonic contraption disintegrates common tap water into mist.

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协和式飞机是第一架超音速客机。Concorde was the first passenger aircraft to fly at supersonic speed.

然而大雄蜂无人机比超音速战斗机更有成本效率。They are, however, far more cost effective than supersonic fighter jets.

1977年,超音速协和式飞机首次在纽约市着陆。In 1977, the supersonic Concorde made its first landing in New York City.

超音速速度下平板,湍流蒙皮摩擦的精确度。The accuracy of flat plate, turbulent skin friction at supersonic speeds.

以超声波萃取-高效液相色谱法对堆制材料中多环芳烃的浓度进行了测定。The PAHs in composts are extracted by supersonic wave and analysed by HPLC.

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对于营运了将近28年的超音速商业航行来讲,这是一个苦乐参半的结局。It was a bittersweet end to nearly 28 years of commercial supersonic travel.

这种Brahmos超音速导弹是俄罗斯和印度合作生产的。The supersonic missile Brahmos is a collaboration project of Russia and India.

失速和尾旋是超音速战斗机的一种复杂而又危险的运动状态。Stall and spin is a complex and dangerous movement state for supersonic fighter.

苏联间谍、超音速喷射机、萨达姆.海珊以及谋杀有什么共同点?What do Soviet spies, supersonic jets, Saddam Hussein and murder have in common?

同时,RLV的研制为高超声速飞行器的开发提供一定的技术支持。Simultaneity, The research of the RLV supplies technology for supersonic vehicle.

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迷信的人把优先权放在浅薄的超音波高傲上。The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.

本文叙述了大口径锂超声速流中性化器的研制。A supersonic lithium vapor jet neutralizer with large aperture has been developed.

以元宝枫叶为原料,研究超声波技术在元宝枫黄酮浸提中的应用。Extracted flavonoids by supersonic from leaves of Acer truncatum bunge was studied.