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她斜倚在门上。She leant against the door.

他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。He leant aslant against the wall.

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他俯下身温柔的吻了她。He leant over and gently kissed her.

冰冷的走廊里,庞弗雷夫人弯腰检查着博恩斯教授的情况。Madam Pomfrey leant over Professor Burns.

老人拄着一根长长的木杖。The old man leant on a long wooden staff.

头懒洋洋地歪向左边,靠近了母亲。My head lazily leant leftward, close to Mum.

我往椅子后部靠一靠,向房间里望了望。I leant back in my chair, glancing about the room.

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他靠在一张椅背上,捂着脸。He leant on the back of a chair, and covered his face.

他靠在椅子上开始从容地进行他的演讲了。He leant on the chair and began his lecture at leisure.

起初帕斯基委员会倾向于单一税。At first the Parsky commission leant towards a flat tax.

然后他把我推开,默默地垂下了头。Then he thrust me away, and leant his head down silently.

那个男孩斜靠在墙上,牙关紧闭,愤怒的双眼直射上方。The boy leant against the wall, his teeth set and his eyes glaring upward.

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她像一根芦苇似地哆嗦着,可怜的东西,完全惊慌失措地靠在桌边。She trembled like a reed, poor thing, and leant against the table perfectly bewildered.

他身体前倾,下巴支在一根拐杖上,拐杖放在两膝之间。He leant forward with his chin resting on a walking-stick that he held between his knees.

他斜靠在屋边,手指握着门闩,好像打算自己要开门似的。He leant against the side, and held his fingers on the latch as if intending to open for himself.

他从一生经历中体会到,友谊和爱比金钱重要的多。He has leant from his life time experience that friendship and love count for much more than money.

史蒂文•拜尔斯是一个科学专业四年级的学生,最近,他学到了很多。但是他最近所学的。Steven Byers , a fourth year science student has been leant a lot lately. But his late studies are.

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他把双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,一言不发的想着什么。He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation.

在他一生中的那段时间,他倚靠着自己的祖父母,他们借钱给他渡过难关。At that time of his life, he leant on the help of his grandparents, who lent him enough money to tide him over.

根据祥浅1井井喷事故,分析事故发生的原因,应汲取的教训。The blowout accident of shallow Xiang-No. 1 well was analyzed and a lesson was leant from this bitter experience.