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另一代人?Another generation?

旅次发生率?。Trip Generation Rate?

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可怜!迷惘的一代!Pity the Lost Generation.

超级肥胖的一代。One super-sized generation.

每一个年代都是有天兵的…This is the generation gap!

接下来是较老的一代。Next is the older generation.

尖峰时段旅次发生率?。Peak Hour Trip Generation Rate?

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项氏世代为楚将。For a generation of chu"s will."

“唯我一代”只关心自己?。Is "generation me" all about me?

有钱的王八大三辈。Rich Wang Bada three generation.

我们是联络着的一代。We are the connected generation.

世代交替的甜蜜,是否遭背叛?Honey of generation had betrayed.

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前辈过奖了!The elder generation overpraised!

这一代和任何一代都不同。This generation is like no other.

他是个颓废派的成员。He is a member of beat generation.

第一张是“少女时代”。So first you saw, girls generation.

但是这能不能促使一代人转变?。Buta catalyst to shift a generation?

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第一代女用避孕套,1993年First Generation Female Condom, 1993

X一代倾向于个人主义。Generation X tends to individualism.

大多数都比我年长一代。Most are one generation ahead of me.