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管道排送水。Pipelines convey water.

学习如何传达风险。Learn how to convey risk.

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想要传达情感。Trying to convey feeling.

传达一种转变思想。Convey a shift in thought.

是为了要传达知识么?Is it to convey knowledge?

你需要传达一些情感。You need to convey emotion.

但它向我们传达了一个教训。But it does convey a lesson.

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你的微笑传达的是什么?What does your smile convey?

请向她转达我的谢意。Please convey my gratitude to her.

词不达意。The words fail to convey the idea.

我的情感难以言表。I cant convey my feelings in words.

我无法用言语表达我的心情。I can't convey my feelings in words.

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请向他转达我最好的祝愿。Please convey my best wishes to him.

我的情感难以言表。I cann't convey my feelings in words.

请转达我对她的问候。Please convey to her my best regards.

纹理,也有示能性。Texture, too, can convey affordances.

词不达意。The words fail to convey the meaning.

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请向你夫人转达我的慰问。Please convey my sympathy to your wife.

我们希望它传达什么样的特色呢?What personality do we want it to convey?

你想要传达什么程度的热情?What level of enthusiasm would you convey?