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像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。A dream full of nameless gloom.

是穿过黑暗的迷宫般的深处。Through what mazy depth of gloom.

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沮丧失望情绪的散布者。A pedlar of gloom and despondency.

别让失败使你灰心丧气。Don't let defeat fill you with gloom.

我们有什么法子能消除她的抑郁呢?What can we do to chase her gloom away?

房子被在忧郁的一个柩衣方面包装。The house is wrapped in a pall of gloom.

我们的快乐很快就被可怕的消息蒙上一层阴影。Our happiness was soon shrouded in gloom.

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那么,什么引起了普遍的悲观情绪?So what accounts for the pervasive gloom?

那人渐渐隐入朦胧的暮色之中。The man blended gradually into the gloom.

而你,当幽黯深沉、苍凉。And thou, when the gloom is deep and stark.

一切又一次陷入幽暗之中。Once again, everything is immersed in gloom.

在黑暗中很难看得清他的脸。His face was barely discernible in the gloom.

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愿甜甜的蜜酒,赶走你的忧愁。Sweet mead is ready to drive away your gloom.

但愿它不只是一张阴郁的面具,。Were not, as 'twere, the merest mask of gloom

因为我心中藏着巨大的忧闷。Because of the great gloom that is in my mind.

他穿过茂密阴暗的森林。He walked through the gloom of the thick forest.

全家笼罩着一片愁云惨雾。The news cast a deep gloom over the whole family.

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那些茅舍逐渐变模糊,融入了一片苍茫的原野中。The huts darkled away into the gloom of the field.

汽车的前灯刺破了阴森森的黑夜。The car's headlights pierced the gloom of darkness.

柏格曼的电影总是充满了悲伤和绝望。Bergman's films are often full of gloom and despair.