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葡萄栽培的目标是实现种植效益的最大化。The target of viticulture is to get a maximum benefit.

瑞士葡萄酒专家来院交流并参观学院品酒室。Experts in viticulture and enology from Switzerland visited the college.

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精细的葡萄酒种植和更加专业的水准同样能种出果实。Cannier viticulture and higher professional standards are also bearing fruit.

葡萄园生产的科学、实践和研究被视为葡萄栽培术。The science, practice and study of vineyard production is known as viticulture.

观测、评价葡萄生长势也就成为葡萄栽培领域的重要问题。How to monitor and evaluate the vine vigor is one of important questions in the viticulture.

该区独特的气候,使其成为巴尔干半岛上,最适合栽种葡萄的地点之一。The unique climate in the region makes it one of the most favorable for viticulture on the Balkans.

玛格丽特河谷位于西澳大利亚,享有得天独厚的适合葡萄种植的自然条件。Located in the south-west of Australia, Margaret River enjoys nearly perfect conditions for viticulture.

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我很高兴接受这个奖项并将继续竭尽全力支持农业和葡萄栽培业。I am pleased to accept this award and plan to continue doing all I can to support agriculture and viticulture.

这两个网站可证明太平洋西北区采用天然种植的酿酒商和葡萄园。Low Input Viticulture & Enology, Inc. certifies participating wineries and vineyards in the Pacific Northwest.

他的研究彻底地否认了是罗马人把葡萄栽培技术带去法国的这一理论。His study appears to dispel the theory that it was the Romans who were responsible for bringing viticulture to France.

我们生产的葡萄酒质量正在提高,不仅仅在西岭葡萄酒厂而是在整个山区,这里太适合种植葡萄了。The wines are going up in quality, not only at Western Range Wines, bit in the Hills region, which is fantastic for viticulture.

课程内容囊括了葡萄酒行业所能涉及到的每个元素,包括葡萄种植、葡萄酒酿造及酒区等级规定。You will be exposed to all elements involved in the wine business including viticulture , vinification, and regional appellation laws.

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奥塞斯庄园900年的种植酿制葡萄酒的经验和专业的员工队伍保证了瑞枫酒庄所酿制葡萄酒的完美品质。His over 900 years' experience in domain of viticulture and vinification and our professional team ensure the nice quality of our wine.

葡萄栽培是研究葡萄种植的技术术语,其中的“葡萄”是指用于酿酒的葡萄。Viticulture is the technical term for the study of vine cultivation, where the term "vitis" refers to the genus of grapes used in wine.

威尔逊家族在林菲尔大道种植葡萄的传统已跨越五代,一百四十九个年份。The Wilson family have fostered a viticulture tradition at Linfield that now spans five generations, one hundred and forty nine vintages.

如果你要变更葡萄栽培来突出你的观点,你需要与文化主管进行讨论,告知你的老板。If you want to adapt the viticulture to emphasize a point, you have a discussion with the chef de culture, you inform your boss, and it's done.

浓厚的香气显示着卓越的口感来自气候凉爽地区的葡萄,经的起长达10年的岁月洗礼。Intensely flavoured yet still showing finesse from cool climate viticulture and a soft velvety wine that will age gracefully for up to 10 years.

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选用智利最好的赤霞珠产地“迈坡山谷”中的葡萄酿制而成。四月的最后一周,用手工采摘并分选。Choose the best cabernet sauvignon grapes from Chile's main viticulture valleys – Maipo valley . April last week, with manual picking and selection.

良好的葡萄栽培可以被总结为鼓励酚和糖成熟的集合,在同一时间内两者都处于最佳状态。Indeed, good viticulture can be summed up as encouraging a convergence of phenolic and sugar ripeness, with both at optimal levels at the same time.

尽管遭遇了葡萄栽植的挑战,总的来说,果实的香味仍然非常密集。Despite the viticulture challenges, overall, the fruit was highly concentrated and flavorful due to smaller berries, lower yields and cool growing conditions.