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自治领是英联邦的一个组成部分。Dominion is a part of the British Commonwealth.

印度于1947年脱离了大英国协。India broke away from the Commonwealth in 1947.

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高原教授,弗吉尼亚州立邦联大学,美国。Yuan Gao, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.

首先是来自多米尼加联邦共和国的凯先生。First to Kai over in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

英联邦同意卢旺达作为第54个成员国的加入。The Commonwealth has admitted Rwanda as its 54th member.

约翰逊创英联邦运动会万米赛跑新纪录。Johnson set up a new Commonwealth Games in the 10000 meters.

英联邦同意和这个国家订约。The Commonwealth agreed to make a compact with this country.

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这是在联邦政府刚成立不久的几年间。This is in the earliest years of the commonwealth government.

1971年薪金税由联邦政府转至由州政府征收。In 1971 the Commonwealth handed over payroll tax to the states.

联邦和帝国的堡垒是攻不破的。The citadel of the Commonwealth and Empire could not be stormed.

立法权是任何一个国家的最高权利。The legislative power is the supreme power in every commonwealth.

因此,西澳大利亚州仍然是澳大利亚联邦的一个洲。Consequently, Western Australian remained part of the Commonwealth.

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该组织是英联邦农业局的接替组织。CABI is the successor organisation to the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau.

公民所占有的东西都非自己所有,而是属于国家的财产。It was a property of the commonwealth not of the individuals who inhabited it.

如此结合起来的群众称作国家。这个“利维坦”是一个凡间的神。A multitude so united is called a commonwealth. This "Leviathan" is a mortal God.

警方也已对举办英联邦运动会的官员卡尔马迪展开调查。Police have quizzed Suresh Kalmadi, the politician who ran the Commonwealth games.

盾形上方为一枚象征英联邦国家的七角星。Shield shape whether one symbolize the British Commonwealth seven star of country.

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在英联邦成立以来的大部分时间里,我都同它联系紧密。I have been closely associated with the Commonwealth through most of its existence.

有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace.

我感谢和我们在一起的贝希尔州长,联邦肯塔基州州长。I thank Governor Beshear who is with us the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.