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有人冒领了那只手表。Somebody has falsely claimed the watch.

她为错误地咒骂他而道歉。She apologized for accusing him falsely.

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他认为查莱克是被诬陷入狱的。He believes Zarek was falsely imprisoned.

我刚发现有人冒用你的帐号。I just found someone falsely your account.

她父母还被诬赖是贪污犯。Her parents were falsely accuse is criminal.

她没有虚假牵连的总统。She has not falsely inculpated the President.

当你被诬告的时候,要仰望主。When you are being falsely accused, look up to Him.

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珠英谎称自己是这里的服务员,便惊慌的走开了。Ying falsely claim is the waiter here, then panic away.

所以我们别夸夸其谈了,时辰已经不早。So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.

我们的教师是诬称禁止的优秀作品。Our teachers are falsely accused of forbidding good Works.

而这种归因错误地导致了和他人之间互动的缺失。Such attributions falsely account for the lack of connection.

过了一些日子,男孩被人诬告偷了羊。Some time later the Boy was falsely accused of stealing sheep.

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不可指着我的名起假誓,亵渎你神的名。Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God.

现在我才觉悟我是收买了假见证,让他受了冤枉。But now I find I had suborn'd the witness, And he's indicted falsely.

很多人想毁掉我,敌人诬陷我“Many are those who would destroy me, my enemies who accuse me falsely.

不过,有关他周六出现在球场的报道是错误的。Buthe was not in the stadium on Saturday, as has been falsely reported.

这家公司假惺惺地允诺给工人加工资,实际上在剥削他们。The company exploited the workers by falsely promising them pay raises.

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在我身边,明寐双手虚握成拳上举。At I handy, the remove Mei hands falsely clutch into the boxing to heave.

以下是6项人造的东西,它们被错误地归因于地外生命的影响。Here are 6 man-made things falsely attributed to extraterrestrial influence.

但我觉得他后来已满足于认为我的鼻子没有正确地反映我的个性特点。But I think he was afterwards well-satisfied that my nose had spoken falsely.