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谁是印刷工?Who's the printer?

这台打印机出故障了。This printer is out of order.

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无法启动印表机工具。Unable to start printer tool.

我为打印机购买新墨盒。I get new ink for the printer.

排字工人排好了这一页。The printer composed the page.

他是个印刷工,上夜班。He is a printer. He works nights.

他看漏了一个印刷错误。He overlooked a printer 's error.

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呀,这打印机可真够贵的!Look how expensive the printer is!

提供文件和打印机共享。Providing file and printer shares.

这台静电复印机是新买的。This is a new xerographic printer.

打印机驱动程序管理例程。Printer driver management routines.

虚拟多印机设备驱动程序?。VPD? Virtual Printer Device Driver?

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打印机会把纸弄破。The printer just crumples the paper.

您将需要一台打印机和邮费。You will need a printer and postage.

拒绝或接受发送到打印机的作业。Rejects or accepts jobs to a printer.

您必须选择至少一个印表机。You must select at least one printer.

你们还有印刷工的空缺吗?Do you still have openings for printer?

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测试页已经成功的送至印表机。Test page successfully sent to printer.

不能装入你的打印机驱动程序。Cannot load the driver for your printer.

自动测试计数、报告,并可连至列表机。Test count & report may send to printer.