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他被一位姑娘迷住了。He is besotted with a girl.

他沉溺于饮酒。He was besotted with drink.

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她沉醉于韵律之中。She was besotted by rhythm.

她的年轻美貌迷住了他。Her youth and beauty besotted him.

老板被她的年轻美貌迷住了。The boss is besotted by her youth and beauty.

这位绅士被一位美女迷住了。The gentleman is besotted by a beautiful young girl.

他的头脑被恐惧、愚昧和迷信所麻痹。His mind was besotted with fear,ignorance and superstition.

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实际上,爱是非常难说清楚的,并且爱是糊涂的。Actually, the love is very difficult to talk clearly and it's a besotted.

糊里糊涂地做事只有糊里糊涂地结果,是不能被你控制的,你得不到你想要的结果。To work sillily get the besotted result only, it can't be controlled by your mind, you cannot get what you want.

爱得痴迷的英国哈里王子,在情人节给女友切尔西.戴维送上一打红玫瑰,并附上「想念你」的讯息。Besotted Prince Harry sent girlfriend Chelsy Davy a dozen red roses on Valentine's Day with the message "Missing You".

那一个地区的人,已经被无休止的大笑大哭给搅糊涂了,奥巴马便向他们展示,怎样以体谅、有尊严的方式互相谈话。He was showing people in a region besotted with tiresome hysterics how to talk to one another with understanding and dignity.

受大众对电影与电视外景拍摄地向往的影响,旅游业热火朝天,机票热销。一种被称为“外景地爱好”的现象。夏威夷因此成了狂热影迷们的电影天堂。As the tourist industry enjoys a boom in bookings inspired by movie and TV locations — a phenomenon known as "set-jetting" — Hawaii is celluloid nirvana for besotted film fans.

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联欢会,据说是在弗雷登斯堡宫举办的弗雷德里克成为糊涂与玛丽,谁担任房地产经纪人时在悉尼举行的2000年奥运会。A get-together is said to have been organised at Fredensborg Palace as Frederik became besotted with Mary, who worked as a real estate agent in Sydney when they met at the 2000 Olympics.

唐玄宗在见到杨玉环的第一眼就深深被她迷住,她愿意为杨玉环做任何事,即使那就意味着破环了他自己儿子的婚姻。He was besotted from the first instant he saw her. Falling under her spell, Emperor Xuanzong would do anything to have Yang Yuhuan, even if it meant breaking up her marriage to his own son.