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我现在可以松开安全带吗?。May I unfasten my seat belt now?

我现在可以解开安全带吗?May I unfasten my seatbelt, now?

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现在可松开安全带。You may unfasten your seat belt.

我现在可以松开安全带吗?May I unfasten the seat belt now?

现在你可以解开安全带了。Now you can unfasten your seat belt.

现在您可以松掉安全带了。You can unfasten your seat belt now.

现在可以松开您的安全带了。You may unfasten your seat belt now.

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现在请解开安全带。Please unfasten your safety belt now.

他开始解她的小围裙。He began to unfasten her little apron.

不。起飞后,您可以解开它。No. After taking off, you can unfasten it.

松开通过或仿佛通过解开按扣来松开,解开,或释放。To loosen, unfasten , or free by or as if by undoing snaps.

你要避免伤到手指,这样才能解开安全带。You need those fingers unbroken to unfasten your seat belt.

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请解开你的上衣,我来听听你的心脏。Please unfasten your jacket and let me listen to your chest.

谁想松动人民币汇率管制的螺钉?。Who Wants to Unfasten the Screw of Fixed Exchange Rate of RMB?

在飞机纯粹停止前,不要松开安全带。Do not unfasten the seatbelt before the plane stops completely.

解开时,先将锁扣打开,拉出连接片。To unfasten the seat-belt, lift the flap and pull out the link.

为什么不摆脱肉体,转而依附不朽的机器呢?Why not unfasten it and fasten it to an immortal robot instead?

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请解开上衣和衬衫,我来听听你的心肺。Please unfasten your jacket and shirt and let me examine your heart and chest.

特德六岁的时候,我们认为他得知道如何系上和解开安全带了。When Ted was six we decided that he needed to know how to fasten and unfasten his seat belt.

她拔掉门闩,然后转过头来,看着身后小路上的石头,想把它上面的披肩解下来。She unlatched the gate and then turned to unfasten her shawl from the stone which lay on the path behind her.