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哈尔顿也注意到了她的变装。Haldon took note of her change of garb as well.

身穿防护服的工作人员进入检查区。Workers in protective garb enter a screening post.

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这身装扮是瓦基的一位老人家送给奥巴马的。The garb was presented to Obama by elders in Wajir.

我想知道未来我们的服装是怎么样的?I wonder what our garb will look like in the future.

他是敦实,穿着一式的战斗官帽当我看到他。He is stocky, wearing a type of battle garb when I see him.

他去换衣服,回来时穿着医生的白衣服。He went to change his clothes and came back in doctor's garb.

从而,在瑜伽士的装扮下,我将会到各个地方去漫游。Thus, in the garb of a yogini , from place to place I shall wander.

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丁字裤是兰屿雅美男人的传统服装。Tingtzu loincloths are traditional garb for Yami males on Orchid Island.

一名穿着牧师服的男子走上了台,并默默地站在那里。A man in the garb of a priest went onto the stage and stood there silently.

教皇让他穿着悔罪服,赤着脚在堡外等候了三天。For three days the Pope kept him waiting, barefoot and in penitential garb.

所有的玩偶皆身穿平安时代奢华的法官服装。The dolls thus arrayed all wear the sumptuous court garb of the Heian period.

这位女士身着花式时期的装束,并有人看见她在酒店的舞厅跳舞。This lady wears fancy period garb and is seen dancing in the hotel’s ballroom.

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当时无论学生还是老师,学者的标准服饰是牧师的衣装。Whether a student or a teacher, standard dress for scholars was clerical garb.

魅力指数?这乡巴佬似地简陋装束至少还露了一点肉,哈哈。Glamour rating? The rustic warrior garb still allows for a little bit of flesh-flashing.

战斗施法二件套的抵抗施法条被击退的效果并未生效。The pushback resistance part of the Battlecast Garb set bonus does not seem to be functioning.

兰屿男性的传统服饰包括一顶钢盔,一件背心,和一条丁字裤。The traditional garb of the men of Orchid Island includes a metal helmet, a vest, and a loincloth.

他们会穿上以最爱角色为原型打造的服装,然后去挨家挨户去敲门。They will garb themselves in garments inspired by their favorite characters and go knocking on doors.

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她和她父亲尼尔斯•皮德尔•戈普穿着他们故乡挪威凯于图凯努相同的服装样式。The garb that she and her father, Nils Peder Gaup, wear identifies their hometown as Kautokeino, Norway.

斯塔丝·阿利和这位绝地大师有基本相似的体貌特征,而且她们的穿着打扮也有同样的文化根源。She bore a basic physical resemblance to the Jedi Master, and dressed in garb of the same cultural roots.

妮她索兰基,一位古吉拉特不可接触贱民新娘穿上了婚衣,可能是她第一次穿这样精致的衣服。The garb worn by Nita Solanki, an Untouchable bride in Gujarat, is perhaps the finest she will ever put on.