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“我饶恕你了,”他严肃地回说。"I do, " he returned grimly.

他们顽固地反对弗洛伦斯和她的支持者们。They grimly opposed Florence and her allies.

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葛哈德狰狞地看了看他,却不回他的话。Gerhardt looked at him grimly , but did not answer.

“我们根本无能为力了,”实习生伤感地说道。“Nothing much for us to do, ” the intern said grimly.

在过去的二十四小时里,命运之神对他是严酷的。Fate had dealt grimly with him through the last four-and-twenty hours.

罗杰·齐灵渥斯这时已走到窗前,面带狞笑地向下望着。Roger Chillingworth had by this time approached the window, and smiled grimly down.

其他人更冷酷地说他们看见了街上没来得及收的尸体。Others more grimly said they saw bodies in the streets that they could not retrieve.

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斯科特冷冷的点点头。“我很难过听到鲍伊的事情。”他看着吉音说。Scott nodded grimly. "And I'm sorry to hear about Bowie , " he said, meeting her eyes.

我宁可得气性坏疽,也不愿再去中国餐馆了。“父亲冷冷地加了一句。"I would rather have gas gangrene than go through that again, " my father added grimly.

“我不知道沃尔恰的这些人是聪明绝顶还是愚蠢至极,”斯托伊卡冷冷的说。“I don't know if the people of Râmnicu Vâlcea are too smart or too stupid,” Stoica says grimly.

“我不知道沃尔恰的这些人是聪明绝顶还是愚蠢至极,”斯托伊卡冷冷的说。“I don’t know if the people of Râmnicu Vâlcea are too smart or too stupid,” Stoica says grimly.

所以,你得将文件转换成纯文本输出,然后再很认真地将数据输入到另一个大的应用程序里去。So you export it all into plain text, and try grimly to import it into the next big application.

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“我不知道沃尔恰的这些人是聪明绝顶还是愚蠢至极,”斯托伊卡冷冷的说。"I don't know if the people of Râmnicu Vâlcea are too smart or too stupid, " Stoica says grimly.

杰拉德对这种幽默付之一笑,然后又扬扬眉毛表示不屑一顾。Gerald smiled grimly at this humorism. Then he made a little gesture of dismissal, with his eyebrows.

一些毛派分子甚至无情地嚷嚷着要甩开2006年签署的和平协议,不再按照约定结束十年动乱。Some Maoists mutter grimly about ditching the peace deal that in 2006 ended their ten-year insurgency.

衬着一色的皑皑白雪和冬季灰茫茫的天空,这意大利别墅狰狞地赫然耸立高处。Against the uniform sheet of snow and the greyish winter sky the Italian villa loomed up rather grimly.

用印度的官方语言来说这样的证据是可怕的“搬弄是非的标志”。In official Indian parlance such proof is grimly referred to as “telltale signs”. It is plainly garbage.

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最后,终于痛苦难耐的他把他的心又挖出来,亲手把它刺死。Lincoln grimly trying to enjoy the play, until he's so miserable he digs up his heart and stabs it himself.

在1998和1999年,这里是一个充满了压抑的荒凉地区,塞族警察和官员在这里耀武扬威。In 1998 and 1999 it was a place that was grimly run-down and repressive, dominated by Serb police and officials.

可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的。But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared.