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于是停止了筑城的事。Xue city is dropping out.

出口引水员下船?。DOP Dropping?outward pilot?

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降低单胺氧化酶的活性。Dropping the activity of AMO.

小费给得好就必须多给钱。To tip well in dropping heavy.

滴药前应先擤净鼻涕。Feder advised Dropping net nose.

这里我省略了小括号。So, I'm dropping the parentheses.

发现消息中的错误或者丢弃它们。Faulting messages or dropping them.

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对于暴死我是毫不害怕的。Dropping dead has no terrors for me.

滴水穿石喜悦。Constant dropping wears away a stone.

滴水不妨穿石。Constish dropping wears down a stone.

但是中国的往来账户盈余漏失很快。But China’s surplus is dropping faster.

康罗伊夫人把钱丢进票箱时问。Conroy, dropping her money into the box.

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我扔下扫帚,恨恨地大喊起来。Dropping my broom, hate yelling to rise.

我正考虑从大学中退学。I m thinking of dropping out of college.

雨珠仍由树上滴下。The rain was still dropping from the trees.

旋下网刀,用毛刷将胡须屑刷净。Spin net knife, brush with wool dropping net.

椴树枝头飘下黄色的花粉。Yellow dust was dropping from the lime trees.

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您的销售是一次高水平的下降?Are your sales dropping from once high levels?

我车的保险杆看上去好像要掉下来似的。It is bumper of my car looks like dropping off.

至一种柔滑可滴的黏稠度。Add milk to produce a soft dropping consistency.