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日记作家是一个审视自己的作家。A diarist is a writer who watches himself.

我们的记者平静下来,将这段时间用在笔记本电脑上。Your diarist settles down for a long session on the laptop.

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这也冒着掩盖众多分歧意见的风险,所以我们的记者开始发表意见了。It also risks obscuring the shining strand of dissent, so your diarist pipes up.

而且,约12000条日记中,三分之一流露出记录者的不悦之情,或者表达的是他们工作动机并不那么明确。In one-third of the 12, 000 diary entries, the diarist was unhappy, unmotivated or both.

一篇关于美国哈利特。洛日记中所描述的19世纪的澳门的文章。Article on 19th century-Macau as described in the diary of American diarist Harriett Low.

1666年为日记作家丕普斯制造的橡木书橱,被认为是英国最早的书橱。The earliest dated domestic examples were made of oak in 1666 for the diarist Samuel Pepys.

他没有出现,然而,在著名的英国日记作家塞缪尔佩皮斯编年史。He does appear, however, in the chronicles of the celebrated English diarist , Samuel Pepys.

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一个机器突出一张票然后我们的记者,他已经不那么年轻了,跑向火车。A machine spits out a ticket and your diarist , who is not as young as he was, sprints for it.

会议日记作家项目可能是任何人谁是记录了每一次会议纪要的梦想。The Meeting Diarist project is probably the dream of anyone who's every had to record the minutes of a meeting.

彼得搬进了造船厂附近日记作家约翰•伊夫林的家中,结果这位吵闹的野蛮沙皇及其朋友把房子给砸毁了。Near the dockyards, Peter moved into the house of diarist John Evelyn. But the still rowdy and uncivilized Czar and his friends wreck it.

英格兰最早的输血受体叫阿瑟·科加,是一个毕业于剑桥大学的怪人,用事件记录者萨缪尔·佩皮斯的话讲,他“思维有些分裂”。Britain's first recipient was Arthur Coga, a Cambridge-educated eccentric who was "cracked a little in his head", as diarist Samuel Pepys put it.

能做的只有盘坐在邻近机场的酒店中等待,而我们的记者有本书要写,48小时连续的工作来得正好。One possibility is to hunker down at a hotel near the airport and wait. Your diarist has a book to write. Forty-eight hours of solid work would be quite welcome.