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莎拉·雷诺兹1819年出生在贝德福德郡波顿的一个村庄里。Sarah Reynolds was born in the village of Potton, Bedfordshire in 1819.

拍摄了在东京举行,贝德福德郡和伦敦,巴黎,丹吉尔,洛杉矶和加拿大的卡尔加里。Filming took place in Tokyo, Bedfordshire and London, Paris, Tangiers, Los Angeles and Calgary in Canada.

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这只浑身武装著铠甲的小犀牛是英国贝德福德郡惠普斯奈德动物园17年来降生的首只犀牛。The armour-plated rhino calf is the first of its kind to be born at Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire for 17 years.

对于像来自贝德福德大学的唐纳德教授这样的支持者而言,他们认为新人会更有新想法,而这正是该行业所急需的。Boosters, such as Donald Forrester of Bedfordshire University, thinks the newcomers will bring in much-needed fresh thinking.

FBI拦截了这封信,联系了英国警方,英国警方去他的家里看了这个17岁孩子。The FBI intercepted the message and contacted police in the UK who went to see the 17-year-old at his home in Silsoe, Bedfordshire.

不过他们刚跑到后门,就被支持此次行动的贝德福德郡警官们逮捕。However, they did not get further than the back door where they were apprehended by Bedfordshire Police officers, who were supporting the operation.

本人授权英国贝德福德大学向中国农业大学及国际学院提供本人的所有成绩和奖惩记录。I authorize the University of Bedfordshire to provide to ICB and the China Agricultural University copies of any of my transcripts and disciplinary records.

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根据国防部消息,贝德福德郡的莱斯利和诺丁汉郡的斯帕尔福德沃伦这些历史上曾用于销毁芥子气的地区,仍然禁止公众进入。According to the MoD, areas historically used for the disposal of mustard gas are still fenced off at Riseley in Bedfordshire and at Spalford Warren in Nottinghamshire.

贝德福德大学媒体和司法学教授约翰·西尔弗慢说“娜奥米·坎贝尔的登场是较晚的”。"Naomi Campbell only entered this bigger picture fairly late in the day, " says Jon Silverman, professor in Media and Criminal Justice at the University of Bedfordshire.

袭击发生在凌晨4点刚过,这家从贝德福德郡远道而来观看利物浦比赛的家族,从市中心加里波第广场的酒吧出来后就被跟踪。The attack happened shortly after 4am when the family, from Bedfordshire and in town for tonight's Liverpool game, were followed from a bar in the Piazza Garibaldi in the city centre.

来自政府的英格兰高等教育拨款委员会的数据显示,一些新兴的大学,如贝德福德郡和东伦敦大学将会缩减约1/8的招生名额。Data from the Government's Higher Education Funding Council for England suggests some newer universities such as Bedfordshire and East London are expecting to lose around one-in-eight places.