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火在炉中噼噼啪啪地响。A fire crackled on the hearth.

桌上的收音机劈啪作响。The radios on his desk crackled.

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炉中的木柴烧得噼啪作响。A log fire crackled in the hearth.

潮湿的木头啪啪作响并冒出火花。The damp wood crackled and sparked.

一节原木在壁炉里烧得劈啪作响。A log fire crackled in the fireplace.

干燥的柴禾在火堆里噼啪作响。The dry faggots crackled in the fire.

我的米糕在碗中劈啪地响。My rice krispies crackled in the bowl.

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收音机劈劈啪啪地传出不见其人的说话声。A disembodied voice crackled from the radio.

以一个有裂痕的印刷品的形式,金子来。The gold comes in the form of a crackled print.

随着贪婪和服从之间斗争的展开,大海被它自己的闪电劈出了裂痕。The sea crackled with its own lightning as greed warred against obedience.

被抢林弹雨包围的居民们胆战心惊,在混乱中慌忙逃走。Terrified residents ran in panic and confusion as gunfire crackled around them.

劈啪、劈啪…,令人有些兴奋的信号声在美国第五舰队的旗舰中回响。A buzz of excitement crackled through the flag bridges of the U. S. Fifth Fleet.

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闪电发出嘶嘶声,同时又发出强大爆裂的电击声,这些声音离我们太近了。Lightning sizzled and crackled with powerful electric sounds far too close to us.

那个眼睛,被压成了扁圆形,裂开冷却成暗红然后变黑。The eye, crushed to an oblate shape, crackled and cooled to dull red and then black.

奥利维亚和霍莉到了坡面上,转身,他们的豺狼人护臂喀喇喀喇激活了。Olivia and Holly got to the dome, turned, and their Jackal gauntlets crackled to life.

雪在他们的脚下轧轧地响,就好像他们踩在淀粉上一样。The snow creaked and crackled beneath her feet, as if she had been treading on starch.

这主要是覆盖着响彻釉,根据这些花槽的设计小组。It is mostly covered with a crackled glaze, under which are recessed panels of floral designs.

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步话机劈啪地响起来,护林员拿起来说了一声ok就放回去了他的腰带。The walkie-talkie crackled and the ranger picked it up, said okay, and placed it back on his belt.

它内部,闪电在下落的沙子中间闪现。它外部,一只巨龟雕刻在玻璃上。Inside, lightnings crackled among the falling sands. Outside, a giant turtle was engraved upon the glass.

它朝这棵空树快步而来,树枝啪啪地折断,树叶沙沙地踩碎,它停在我藏身处的附近。Twigs snapped and leaves crackled as it galloped toward the hollow tree and stopped short of my hiding place.