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正方形是四边形的一种。A square is a quadrilateral.

风筝是个有一条对称线的四边形。A kite is a quadrilateral with one line of symmetry.

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四边形被剪成了平行四边形。The shear changed the quadrilateral into a parallelogram.

一个四边形是由这一对顶点和前面一对顶点构成的。One quadrilateral is defined for each pair of vertices presented after the first pair.

从船尾桅杆伸出支撑船头四方形的船帆的圆材。A spar rising aft from a mast to support the head of a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail.

四边形接受八个参数,代表的是这个四边形的四个顶点。The quadrilateral takes eight arguments representing the four points of the quadrilateral.

霍山石斛叶为等面叶,气孔四列型,仅分布于下表皮。The leaf is isobilateral, the stoma is quadrilateral and only distributes in lower epidermis.

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基于有限元理论,用MATLAB语言编制了四结点等参元计算机程序。Based on FEM theory, a program of isoperimetric quadrilateral element is made using MATLAB software.

用均方加权约束梁单元和四边形板单元过渡。The transition of girder element and quadrilateral board element were restricted with mean square weighting.

本文介绍了在任意四边形或三角形单元内自动绘制等值线图的局部拟合法。A method of contour plotting on both 4-node quadrilateral elements and 3-node triangular elements is presented.

本文给出了一种快速三角元网格逐次细分法,并提出了四边形单元网格的逐次细分法。This paper presents a scheme for gradual subdivision of a triangular mesh and a quadrilateral one is also put forward.

你将理解两种着色模式,在左图中,三角形用的是光滑着色,四边形用的是平面着色。You will understand two color pattern of the Left, the triangle is smooth coloring, with the quadrilateral plane coloring.

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最后采用分区域模板法对整体结构模型进行四边形网格的自动生成。Lastly, the quadrilateral meshes are generated for the whole structure model by using the separated region template method.

作业装置为两节四边形伸缩式工作臂,标准车型配有货叉侧移装置。The working device is two-segment, quadrilateral telescopic boom, and fork lateral displacement unit adopted in normal type.

提出了一种适用于具有复杂海底边界的自由表面流动模拟算法?基于非结构化四边形网格的VOF法。A novel VOF method based on unstructured quadrilateral mesh for free surface flows with complex seabed boundaries is presented.

根据线性边界力状态下的广义协调条件,对任意不规则四边形单元构造出一种广义协调等参元。A new generalized conforming isoparametric element is formulated to arbitrary irregular quadrilateral for plane stress analysis.

帆船上的装置,有安装在船头或船尾的三桅或四桅,且可调整到下风。A rig on a sailing ship that has quadrilateral and triangular sails set to the fore-and-aft line and that can be trimmed to leeward.

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本文提出了曲边四边形薄板弯曲单元解决曲线边界薄板的弯曲问题。This paper presents a curvilinear boundary quadrilateral element for the problem of thin plate of bending with curvilinear boundary.

本文提出了任意四边形薄板弯曲单元以解决非正交边界薄板弯曲的问题。An arbitrary quadrilateral element of plate bending is formulated to solve thin plate bending problems with nonorthogonal boundaries.

我们使用多边形和四边形创建3D物体,把三角形变为立体的金子塔形状,把四边形变为立方体。We use quadrilateral polygon and create a 3D object, the triangle into three-dimensional pyramid shape, the quadrilateral into a cube.