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绝大多数代表拒绝为脱离联邦而投票。A majority of the delegates refused to vote for secession.

一个准备脱离联邦的大会正在该州的首府召开。A secession convention already was meeting at the state capital.

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意图煽惑他人犯叛国、颠覆或分裂国家罪。With intent to incite others to commit treason , subversion or secession.

州于十九世纪六十年代脱离美国而导致了南北战争。The secession of some southern states from the USA in the 1860s led to the civil war.

只有穆斯林占多数的克什米尔山谷和毗邻的部分查莫地区坚定的脱离。Only the Muslim-dominated Kashmir valley and adjacent parts of Jammu seem hellbent on secession.

你的眼睛和我的眼睛将永远看不到这种情况的发生,美国绝不会有和平脱离联邦的事情发生。Your eyes and mine will never see that happen. There can be no such thing as peaceable secession.

他们更关心他们的公民投票权脱离北部,到明年的早些时候。They are far more concerned with their referendum on secession from the north, due early next year.

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他们的友谊,对安森星上的和平谈判和粉碎脱离共和国的威胁,非常有益。Their friendship was very helpful in brokering peace on Ansion, and dousing the threat of secession.

他们的友谊有助于安森球上的和平谈判,也消灭了脱离共和国的胁迫势力。Their friendship was very helpful in brokering peace on Ansion, and dousing the threat of secession.

叛军官员强调,他们并没有另行成立一个政府,也没有寻求与利比亚分裂。Officials emphasized they were not establishing a separate government or seeking secession from Libya.

奴隶制问题与脱离联邦的问题联系在一起,各州是否有权脱离联邦呢?The issue of slavery was linked to the issue of secession. Did states have the right to leave the Union?

分离主义的阴谋家正试图挑起一些扑朔迷离的事端使安森星脱离共和国。Separatist conspirators were attempting to arrange the secession of Ansion through a number of veiled fronts.

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另一个内战前的总统詹姆斯•布坎南也因没能避免南部分裂局势而被严厉批评。Another antebellum president, James Buchanan, is also taken to task for failing to avert the south's secession.

因为他为反对奴隶奴隶制、追求独立而战,而那个时代的其他人都太胆小怕事,什么都不敢做。Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in history where others were too afraid to do anything.

因为他为反对奴隶制、追求独立而战,而那个时代的其他人都太胆小怕事,什么都不敢做。Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in historyswheresothers were too afraid to do anything.

而东非和阿拉伯世界的分裂割据是美国、以色列和北约的战略目标。Secession and balkanization in East Africa and the Arab World are on the U. S. , Israeli, and NATO drawing board.

苏丹南部正准备庆祝脱离苏丹数十年的政治暗斗和内战。South Sudan prepared to celebrate its secession from Sudan following decades of political infighting and civil war.

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因地区分离势必会影响到母国的利益,为此,母国对分离性公民投票一般持以反对的态度。Because district secession must influence the interests of the country, the country generally opposes seceding referendum.

由于认为比附近其它更小的堡垒容易防守,因此在这场分裂国家的危机的早期,这两个要塞都匆忙驻扎了军队。Seen as easier to defend than smaller bastions nearby, both forts had been hastily garrisoned early in the secession crisis.

废除主义的增长,带动南部分裂国家,并在1865年1月国会通过了第十三修正案,禁止奴役。Abolitionism grew, southern secession spurred it, and in January 1865 Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery.