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黑水公司称这些指控“带有攻击性”。Blackwater has called the assertions “offensive”.

我现在是黑水河的波隆爵士了,小恶魔。这可是过目不望。I am Ser Broon of the Blackwater now, Imp. see you don't forget it.

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你是说,你到那条淌著黑水的河里去喝水了吗?You mean, you go to the piece of guttering Blackwater river to drink it?

目前有一个大陪审团正在黑水公司的老家北卡罗来纳州对其进行调查。There is a grand jury investigating Blackwater in its home state of North Carolina.

如果这份新报告所言属实,那它就有助于解释为什么黑水公司能在伊拉克呆这么久。The new report, if true, could help explain why Blackwater has survived so long in Iraq.

让公司驻留在伊拉克,黑水公司和美国国务院有着共同的利益。Blackwater and the US state department had a mutual interest in keeping the company in Iraq.

但我不喜欢国王之手,他洗劫了城市然后在黑水河上击溃了我们。I never liked the Hand, though. He sacked the city. And then he smashed us on the Blackwater.

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如果情况属实,这意味着黑水公司或其负责人将面临妨碍司法公正的指控。If true, that means that Blackwater or its executives could face charges of obstruction of justice.

今天,黑水公司在阿富汗为国务院、中央情报局和国防部执行任务。Today, Blackwater works in Afghanistan for the state department, the CIA and the defence department.

与此同时,黑水公司更名为Xe服务公司继续运营,并且在阿富汗的安保承包商数量正在上升。Meanwhile, Blackwater lives on as Xe Services and the number of contractors in Afghanistan is increasing.

哪里还有我在公民学课上学到的制衡作用?Where are companies like Blackwater held to any conceivable check and balance that I learned in civics class?

在巴基斯坦很多地方,尤其是在麻烦不断的边境地区,声誉不佳的无人侦察行动和黑水军事公司都是美国面孔。In much of Pakistan, especially the troubled border regions, predator drones and Blackwater are the face of America.

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位于北卡罗莱纳州的黑水公司表示,由于所保护的外交车队遭到袭击,其保安员是正当还击。North Carolina-based Blackwater has said its guards reacted lawfully to an attack on the convoy they were protecting.

就在五名黑水国际的保安自首之后,检举官向他们提出了35项控诉。Moments after five Blackwater security guards turned themselves in, prosecutors unsealed a 35-count indictment against them.

伊拉克官员声称黑水公司,一家长久以来陷入很大争议的公司,所有在这家公司工作的员工将不会再伊拉克受到欢迎。Iraqi officials said that all employees of Blackwater a company long mired in controversy would no longer be welcome in the country.

公众对黑水的批评和监视令普林斯愤而决定将公司出售。The business is up for sale by Mr. Prince, who colleagues say is embittered by the public criticism and scrutiny that Blackwater has faced.

在被指控的行贿计划实施之时,黑水公司与布什政府合作无间,而且有时候两个势力还互相勾结。At the time of the alleged bribery plan, Blackwater worked hand-in-glove with the Bush administration and, at times, the two forces colluded.

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这些案件要求为2006至2007年间独立的枪击事件中被杀害的伊拉克人寻求赔偿,涉案者包括黑水公司雇员。The lawsuits were seeking compensation for Iraqis killed in separate shootings between 2006 and 2007, allegedly involving Blackwater contractors.

1月1日,华盛顿地区某法院驳回对黑水公司驻伊拉克分公司5名保安在2008年杀害14名伊拉克市民的起诉。On Jan. 1, a federal judge in Washington, D.C., dismissed the charges against five Blackwater guards for the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians in 2008.

黑水官员称当他们开枪时,护卫人员正在保护外交官的安全,但是伊拉克的调查人员推断说这次疯狂开火是毫无来由的。Blackwater officials say the guards were protecting diplomats when they came under fire, but Iraqi investigators concluded the shooting spree was unprovoked.