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利用本文的研究成果,可以为乙醇胺生产装置提供完整的工艺包。Complete process pack for ethanolamine unit was obtained by this study.

乙醇胺竞争性地抑制胆碱摄取,且存在剂量依赖关系。The uptake of choline was also competitively inhibited by ethanolamine.

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目的研究并改进脂质体辅料磷脂酰乙醇胺的合成工艺。OBJECTIVE To study and improve the synthesis of liposome excipient phosphatidyl ethanolamine.

乙醇胺及其衍生物二乙醇胺和三乙醇胺由氨与环氧乙烷反应所得。Ethanolamine and its derivative di-and triethanolamine result from reacting ammonia with ethylene oxide.

目的制备氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐纳米剂并观察其杀螺效果。Objective To prepare a novel nano-suspension of niclosamide ethanolamine and evaluate its molluscicidal effect.

环氧乙烷选择性胺化制备乙醇胺成为近年来胺化反应的热点课题。The selective amination of ethylene oxide to ethanolamine has become a hot spot in amination reactions in recent years.

然后用乙醇胺进行胺化反应,制成纸张用氨基改性聚醚硅油柔软剂。On the base, the amino modified polyether-siloxane as softening for paper was prepared by the amination of ethanolamine.

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该类吸附剂对胆红素有良好的吸附性能,其中用乙醇胺功能基化后的树脂表现出更好的吸附能力。PHEMA resins showed good adsorption properties for bilirubin, and PHEMA resin immobilizing ethanolamine had better adsorption capacity.

简介了国内外乙醇胺生产、消费情况,对国内的需求进行了预测。The status of production and consumption of ethanolamine inland and abroad was introduced briefly, and the demands inland were forecasted.

乙醇胺的蒸汽对眼、鼻有刺激性,眼接触液态乙醇胺造成眼睛伤害,皮肤接触引起刺痛和灼伤,口服损伤口腔和消化道。Vapor of ethanolamine has irritation to eye and nose. If its liquid spattered eye, injury would be produced. Skin touching would bring hurt and burn.

以硼酸酯、取代苯甲酸乙醇胺盐、葡萄糖酸钠三者为混合防锈剂应用于切削液中,其中硼酸酯和取代苯甲酸乙醇胺盐有明显的协同效应。Boric acid ester, tri ethanolamine salt of substituted benzoic acid and sodium gluconate were used as anti rust additives in water based cutting fluid.

另外整理液中加入三乙醇胺作缓冲剂,能使织物的断裂强度、折皱回复角、白度指数有所提高。Adding tri- ethanolamine into the finishing bath as buffering agent is helpful to improve the break strength, crease recovery angle and whiteness index.

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醇胺降解、装置腐蚀和溶液发泡是炼厂气醇胺法脱硫装置经常遇到的三类操作问题。Ethanolamine degradation, equipment corrosion and solution foaming were three operation problems met frequently in the desulfurization units of refinery.

对国内外乙醇胺生产技术、生产现状进行了综述,对乙醇胺行业的发展趋势进行了分析。The producing process and production status of ethanolamine both at home and abroad were reviewed, and the development trend of ethanolamine industry was analyzed.

本文以油酸为原料经过适当的途径合成饱和油酸乙醇酰胺硫酸酯钠,并测定其表面活性性能。This paper has studied the synthesis of sodium saturated oleic acid ethanolamine sulfate from oleic acid by proper synthetic route and determined Its surface-activity.

乙醇胺主要由氨水法与液氨法两种制备方法合成,它们分属于典型的均相催化与多相催化。The preparation of ethanolamine is mainly composed of aqueous ammonia and liquid ammonia methods, which belong to typical homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis respectively.

环氧乙烷氨解法是目前生产乙醇胺的主要方法,产品比例、产品质量及能耗是乙醇胺生产中的三个关键因素。Ethanolamines are commonly made by the method of reacting aqueous ammonia and ethylene oxide. Product profile, product quality and energy consumption are three key factors in ethanolamine process.

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苯海,氨乙醇,组织胺受体1型阻滞剂著抗碱镇静特性,通阻碍神冲动传起某种程局麻醉。Ethanolamine class, histamine receptor type1 blocker. Has significant anticholinergic and sedative properties that causes some degree of topical anesthesia by impairing the transmission of nerve impu.