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这是我朋友安杰拉·海斯。This is my friend, Angela Hayes.

该死,海耶斯走了,火箭完了。Damn, Hayes out, the Rockets are doomed.

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谢谢拉夫,海耶斯,也谢谢你们这些裁判。Thank you Rafer, Hayes and thank you refs.

我们正在找丽莎—海因斯的住处。We are trying to find the house of Lisa Hayes.

还是你以为我会像丽莎—海因斯那样?Or do you think that I am like this Lisa Hayes?

“那对我很适用,”海耶斯说到关于他现在的时间安排。"It works for me," Hayes said about his current schedule.

但霍华德回来了,海耶斯也比斯威夫特打得好。Howard came back and Chuck Hayes ended up outplaying Swift.

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并且不要忘了,海耶斯的大部分得分都来自于麦迪的妙传。And don't forget, most of Hayes point come off a T-macp ass.

斯科拉、兰德里和海耶斯组成的前场如何?Scola, Landry and Hayes before the game how the composition?

“这里是德国最古老的普鲁士宫殿,”Hayes继续说。"It's the oldest Prussian palace in Germany," Hayes continued.

“这个镇上没有叫丽莎—海因斯的人。”那个男人回答。"There is no Lisa Hayes that lives in the town, " said the man.

迈克-哈里斯看起来有点不安,可是他他上去很像另一个海耶斯。Mike Harris looks a little nervous, but he looks like another Hayes.

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但是海斯在这个研究中的新发现的确令他感到吃惊。But something new Hayes did learn in this study really surprised him.

鲁瑟福特·B·海耶斯是第19任美国总统。Rutherford B. Hayes was the nineteenth President of the United States.

阿曼达•海耶斯是在英国东北部的诺森伯兰郡拍下的这张照片。Amanda Hayes took this picture in Northumberland, in north east England.

在他2个月的远足中,Hayes游览了16个欧洲国家。During his two-month-long excursion, Hayes visited 16 European countries.

在比赛中早早得喂球给枷锁,让他单打海耶斯。Feed it to Gasol early and often, and have him turn and face Chuck Hayes.

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约翰海斯已经发明了一个辨识无扇出布林函式的演算法。John P. Hayes had devised an algorithm to recognize fanout -free functions.

姚就是个烟雾,莫雷绝对是在围绕着海耶斯建队。Yao is just a smokescreen. Morey is definitely building around Chuck Hayes.

迄今为止我短短的职业生涯里已经有好几次这样的惊情时刻了。"I've had a couple of those moments in my short career so far, " Hayes said.