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界碑只是一种标识。A boundary marker is only a symbol.

它有k2作为限制条件。It has k2 as the boundary conditions.

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质量和能量流过边界“Mass and energy flow through boundary.

你们双方都不允许越过限界一步!None of you can walk past the boundary.

这就是你们的西界。This will be your boundary on the west.

这是调用一个边界值的问题。This is called a boundary value problem.

这要作你们的北界。This will be your boundary on the north.

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曝光时间长会使轮廓不清。Time exposures produce a fuzzy boundary.

今后将举行边界谈判。Boundary talks will be held in the future.

我们在午夜穿过了州界。We crossed the state boundary at midnight.

中国完成东海领海基点界标建设工作。Boundary monuments built on East China Sea.

边界由此折向西南。From here the boundary turns southwestward.

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在演奏者和乐曲之间没有分野。There's no boundary between player and song.

核幔边界是产生热幔柱的位置。Thus the plume is clarified at the boundary.

法域和道德域的界限在哪里?。Where is the boundary between law and morals?

微观世界和宏观世界界线在哪里?。Microcosmos and macrocosm boundary line where?

死亡是阿尔贝·加缪思想中的一个界标。Death is the boundary of Albert Camus' thought.

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寒武系与奥陶系界线位于D。The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary set between D.

的边界包含一个非空开集。The boundary of A contains a nonempty open set.

边距决定页面的外部边界。Margins define the outside boundary of your page.