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灰姑娘害羞的问。Cinderella shyly.

克莱尔害羞的笑了。Clare smiles, shyly.

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她羞涩地看了他一眼。She glanced shyly at him.

两个孩子害羞的转过脸去。The boys turned away shyly.

“噢,嗨,”杰弗瑞害羞地说。“Oh,hi,”said Jeffery shyly.”My

这个乡下姑娘羞怯地垂下了眼睛。The country girl cast down her eyes shyly.

马修讪讪地转过身去面对那孩子。Matthew turned shyly to speak to the child.

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女子含羞地自我介绍名叫李婉。The girl shyly introduced herself as Li Wan.

盯着一片云,看到它?腆的消亡。Staring at the cloud till it disappear shyly.

劳丽晴见我们夸她,有些羞涩地笑了笑。Hearing our praise, she smiled somewhat shyly.

长满刺的龙虾试探着爬过海底。A spiny lobster shyly crawls across the seafloor.

苏茜害羞地伸出了手,手中是一片创可贴。Susie held her hand out shyly. In it was a Ban-Aid.

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“哦,你好,”杰弗瑞害羞的说,“我叫杰弗瑞。”"Oh, hi," said Jeffery shyly. "My name is Jeffery."

“我也不知道”,她目光低垂,话语中带着几丝羞涩。"I don't know," she said shyly with her eyes downcast.

她害羞地从眼角里瞥了他一眼。She glanced shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes.

她羞答答地瞟了史密斯一眼。She glanced shyly at Smith out of the corners of her eyes.

克莱尔害羞的笑了。“我最喜欢保罗。”“当然,你是女孩。”Clare smiles, shyly. “I like Paul best.”“Well, you're a girl.”

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宣誓结束后,阿尔贝二世亲王向腼腆微笑的新娘使眼色示意。After they exchanged vows, Albert winked at his bride, who smiled shyly.

她神色羞怯地接过书,还是那声熟悉的“谢谢”。She took over the book and blushed shyly with the same familiar "Thank you".

女记者想逗逗他,他却立刻害羞地把脸转向了另外一边。The journalist wanted to tease him, but he shyly hid his face to the other side.