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警察开始向持枪歹徒开枪。The police fired away at the gunman.

持枪歹徒向警察开了三枪。The gunman fired three bul-lets at the police.

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侦探用手提式扩音器向持枪歹徒发话让他投降。The detective bullhorned the gunman to surrender.

持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪。He dodge to leave and right as the gunman open fire.

我一看见哪个持枪的蒙面人就吓得浑身冰凉。The sight of the masked gunman made my blood freeze.

持枪歹徒开火时他东躲西闪。He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire.

枪手在自己的枪柄上刻上5个受害者的记号。The gunman notched up five victims on the handle of his gun.

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在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开阵势,准备迎战一名持枪者。French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.

警方称这名持枪男子已经身亡,似乎是饮弹自尽了…Police say the gunman is dead and appears to have shot himself.

枪手在电视上看到这一点,也是焦躁不安。The gunman saw this on television, and became agitated himself.

枪手是一个名叫洛克纳尔的22岁男子,现已被警方逮捕。National gunman is named 22-year-old man Locke, has been arrested.

霍伊尔表示警方在枪手主动出来投降之前不会强行攻入屋内。Hoyle has said police wait out the gunman rather than storm the house.

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莱克认为,凶手完全没有特别目的,他就是想摧毁整个学校。"The gunman wanted to destroy an entire school, " Rech told reporters.

一名枪手迅速靠近,穿过一块绿色隔离带,直朝他奔去。A gunman approached quickly, running across a grassy median toward him.

选择难度级别,拿起你的枪,去做个电玩快枪手。Select the difficulty level, pick up your guns, do a quick video gunman.

据称,持枪者是一名携带冲锋枪的白人男子。The gunman has been described as a white man armed with a submachinegun.

一天,一个持枪歹徒忽然闯进警察局,朝一名侦探开战。One day, a gunman suddenly broke into the police, toward a detective war.

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在上次的枪击事件中中,十个女孩被击,其中五个死亡,射击者随后自杀。Ten girls were shot last fall, five died. The gunman then committed suicide.

武装劫持十八小时之后,警方袭击了那所房子并抓获了持枪罪犯。After an 18-hour siege, the police stormed the house and captured the gunman.

其中一名学生描述持枪者是20多岁的白人男性,梳着一头小辫。One described the gunman as a white male in his 20s with cornrows in his hair.