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今天我们逃学吧!Let's paly hooky today!

有时候我会和他一起玩。I sometimes paly with him.

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来玩一个猜谜游戏吧!Let's paly a guessing game.

小孩们要玩耍。Little children want to paly.

它会说话,他们会玩。It can talk and They can paly.

你能出来跟我玩吗?。Can you come out and paly with me?

您在大学玩过任何运动吗?。DID you paly any sports in college?

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帕特里克喜欢在学校戏剧团里演戏。Patrick Likes to act in the school paly.

唯一的比赛我想帕利是拽。The only game I like to paly is tugging.

我们现在学英语就跟玩游戏一样。We learn English just as paly a game now.

只学习不玩耍杰克变成傻小孩儿。Always work no paly makes Jack a dull boy.

我们通常玩猜谜以消磨时间。We usually paly guessing games to kill time.

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我每天跑步。有的时候打网球。I am jogging every day. Sometimes, I paly tennis.

这个周日你愿意和我们一起踢球吗?Would you like to paly football with us this sunday?

那么在愚人节这天人们会搞什么样的恶作剧呢?So what kind of pranks do people paly on April Fool's Day?

我们不敢跟他开玩笑,唯恐他会生气。We dare not paly jokes on him lest , he should become angry.

当我还是一个小孩的时候,我就经常和朋友们一起打篮球。When I was a child, I often paly basketball with my friends.

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容易设计并直接TV系统,不需要外置主机。ESAY su-up and direct connect TV system to paly no need any console.

打谱分为全局打谱和残局打谱。Playing manual is divided into the global paly manual and partial play manual.

妈妈告诉我不要在街上踢足球,她想我早点去上学。Mom told me not to paly football on the street, she wanted me to go to school early.