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但是激励效应和防御效应均不显著。However, both the incentive effects and entrenchment effects are not notable.

固守在自我,作为一种自我的重要性,或不安全导致自我消费,扼杀同情。Entrenchment in the self, consumption of self as a result of self importance or insecurity, strangles empathy.

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但是,他们缺乏简洁,以自拔并获得了懒惰和懒洋洋地巩固了。However, they lack brevity in order to pull themselves out and get out of the entrenchment of laziness and lolling.

在确立对称性论点的基础上,论证了牢靠性方案对绿蓝悖论的消解及其不合理性——一个谓词之所以“牢靠”的深层次原因仅仅是因为“运气”。The irrationality of this solution is also discussed because the deeper reason for the entrenchment of a predicate is just that it has good luck.

在其他国家,如马来西亚、俄罗斯和柬埔寨等,单薄脆弱的公民社会给当选威权人物侵揽权力造成可乘之机。Other countries where a shallow or weak civil society has abetted the entrenchment of elected authoritarians include Malaysia, Russia, and Cambodia.

与“堑壕效应”相一致,终极控制股东超额控制程度与公司透明度负相关。In line with the "entrenchment effect", the excess control extent of ultimate controlling shareholder is negatively related to corporate transparency.

而当终极控股股东拥有的现金流量权与控制权之间的分离程度越严重时,企业价值越低,体现了一种壁垒效应。But the firm value falls when the degree of the separation between cash-flow right and control right increases, consistent with an entrenchment effect.

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鉴于疾病可能对家禽造成的广泛侵染,粮农组织建议政府做好开展有针对性疫苗接种的准备。Considering the possible widespread entrenchment of the disease in poultry, FAO is advising the government to prepare for a targeted vaccination campaign.

克林顿的评论似乎反应了,在6月结束的伊朗总统大选巩固了强硬路线分子们在德黑兰的地位后,美国一股新的悲观情绪的形成。Clinton's comments appear to reflect a new US pessimism on Iran following the June presidential elections, that brought an entrenchment by hardliners in Tehran.

在终极产权的框架下,通过对2005年中国上市公司样本的研究,文章检验了公司大股东的激励效应与壁垒效应。Under the frame of property, the paper examines incentive effect and entrenchment effect of big shareholder by researching Chinese listed company sample in 2005.

文章在分析过程中,提出“政府主导的壕沟效应”和“控股股东代理人的壕沟效应”的存在。In the analytical process, mentioning the existence of "the Government Leading Entrenchment Effects" and "the Controlling Shareholder's Agent Entrenchment Effects".

冉阿让不无困难地让捆着腿的沙威爬过蒙德都巷子的战壕,但是一刻也不松手。Jean Valjean with some difficulty, but without relaxing his hold for a single instant, made Javert, pinioned as he was, scale the little entrenchment in the Mondetour lane.

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随着时间的流逝,巩固当权者,以及他们献身于激烈的内部竞争,开始有涓滴影响大八大顶级层次。As time passed, the entrenchment of those in power, as well as their fierce devotion to their internal competition, began to have trickle-down effects on the Big Eight's top tiers.

通过建立博弈模型,分析存在大股东侵占的情况下,小股东、法人股东与债权人对大股东的监督博弈问题。Major shareholder control induces the abuse of ownership of large shareholder, which results in the entrenchment of minority shareholders and creditors and decreases the value of corporation.