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丑陋裸男演奏大提琴。Ugly Naked Guy plays the Cello.

浪漫曲,为小提琴和乐队所作,作品4。Romance for cello og orkester, Op. 4

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奏鸣曲大提琴及钢琴第5号在D大,作品。Sonata for cello &piano No. 5 in D major, Op.

三重奏为小提琴,中提琴与大提琴在C小调,作品。Trio for violin, viola & cello in C minor, Op.

所有这些都来自于小提琴和大提琴的演奏。All this from playing the violin and the cello.

长笛四重奏,双簧管,大提琴和大键琴。Quartet for Flute, Oboe, Cello and Harpsichord.

小提琴、大提琴弦乐三重奏。Barocco Fantasia string trio violin viola cello.

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但现在证实所谓的‘大提琴阴囊’只是个恶作剧。But it turned out that "cello scrotum" was a hoax.

小夜曲为小提琴,中提琴与大提琴在D大,作品。Serenade for violin, viola & cello in D major, Op.

奥芬巴赫1833年到巴黎学大提琴。Offenbach moved to Paris in1833 to study the cello.

没有人看我拉琴,这是件好事。The cello was something I demonstrably couldn't do.

双簧管和大提琴双重奏,音调此起彼伏。The oboe and cello sat alone , echoing tone for tone.

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大提琴是否接受了这个回答,还是对其置若罔闻?Is the cello listening to the answer, or is it oblivious?

小提琴,大提琴,钢琴古典音乐也非常衷爱。And I also like the classic music by violin, piano, cello.

最开始由大提琴演奏出的琶音是在发起声明还是询问?Is that opening cello arpeggio an assertion, or a question?

揭幕式当晚的音乐会重要以大提琴独奏为主。The opening night concert featured unaccompanied cello only.

我叫Luyanda,我15岁,我演奏大提琴并且我负责领唱。I’m Luyanda, I’m 15, I play the cello and I’m the lead singer.

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你是指大提琴?不,那是一个明显下流的双关。You mean my cello?No, I mean the obvious, crude, double entendre.

大调第七钢琴、小提琴和大提琴三重奏曲,作品97,“大公三重奏”Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello No. 7 in B major, Op. 97, Archduke.

嘉莉悦耳的大提琴演奏总让我心旷神怡。The euphonious sound of Carrie's cello playing always puts me at ease.