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你知道他的热线电话是多少呢?Do you know how much his hotline is?

打给你们学校自杀或危机热线Call your campus suicide or crisis hotline.

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屋宇署电话热线由「1823电话中心」统筹处理。BD hotline is handled by '1823 Call Centre'.

系统上线后的热线服务,为客户提供随时的指导。Provide hotline support after the ERP system go live.

全天帮助热线1-800-272-3900。Call the 1-800-272-3900 hotline for help 24 hours a day.

他没有透露两国这条热线最快何时设立。He did not say how soon the hotline would be established.

欲了解更多信息,请拔全国范围内的免费热线咨询电话。For more information, call the toll-free national hotline.

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热线如何能防止中国未来对印度的入侵?How can hotline prevent future Chines incursions into India?

各地会员服务传真电话请參阅会员手册或网页。Please refer to membership guide or web site for DFP Service Hotline.

用户也可拨打质检总局热线010-59799616。Consumers can also call the quality watchdog's hotline at 010-59799616.

如有任何查询,请致电客户服务热线3112-2333。For any enquiries, please call our Customer Services Hotline 3112-2333.

12328交通运输服务监督电话全面开通。The transport service and complaints hotline 12328 has been put into use.

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如果你打电话向白宫抱怨的话,接听热线的工作人员可能身在印度。And if you call the White House to complain, you get the hotline in India.

如有任何查询,欢迎致电客户服务热线2627-8888。If you have any enquiries, please call Customer Service Hotline 2627-8888.

但是倾听我们的梦境仅止于象打一个灵媒热线吗?But is listening to our dreams right up there with calling a psychic hotline?

举报内容将由北京市卫生部门调查核实。Reports to the hotline will be investigated by the city's health authorities.

您好,欢迎拨打金泰龙热线,我们将竭诚为您服务!Hello welcome to the hotline of JinTaiLong, we will do our best to server you!

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友邦保险公司于1998年率先开通国内保险业界首个免费服务热线800-820-3588。In 1998, AIA launched the first free service hotline 800-820-3588 in industry.

常州机场客运中心已开通24小时服务热线88100463。Changzhou Airport terminal has already opened a 24-hour service hotline 88100463.

如需咨询礼品卡或电子码其它方面问题,请直接拔打亚马逊客服热线400-8105-666。For all other issues please contact the brand hotline on 400-8105-666 to resolve.