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结论诊断正确、彻底地松解神经可获满意疗效。Conclusion Satisfied results can be obtained if the diagnosis is correct and neurolysis is made completely.

伤后早期行髋臼骨折复位内固定术、坐骨神经探查松解术,将有利于坐骨神经损伤的恢复。Early reduction of acetabular fracture and neurolysis is important for the recovery of function of the sciatic never.

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通过内镜超声引导下细针注射进行腹腔神经丛阻滞可能效缓解胰腺癌的疼痛。This approach is effective in performing celiac plexus neurolysis for pain relief in patients with pancreatic cancer.

结论应用显微外科技术无损伤操作使尺神经松解彻底而适度,疗效确切,是治疗肘管综合征的行之有效的方法。Conclusion Treating Cubital Tunnel Syndrome with microsurgery by neurolysis ulnar nerve with none-injury operation is a good method.

经实行去除不正常肌肉及神经松解术后,追踪检查病情有良好的恢复。The operative procedure included removal of anomalous muscle, neurolysis and incision of the volar carpal ligament. Good clinical recovery resulted.

目的探讨用神经松解术治疗颈神经根椎孔外卡压综合征。Objective To investigate treatment of using the method of neurolysis for cervical nerve compressing of the entrapment syndrome outside spinal aperture.

关节内注射,内侧支神经阻滞,内侧支神经松解术也可以用于治疗颈椎小关节源性慢性疼痛。Intra-articular injections, medial branch nerve blocks, and neurolysis of medial branch nerves have been described in managing chronic neck pain of facet joint origin.

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目的观察胫神经运动神经分支乙醇溶解术对脑卒中患者腓肠肌痉挛和步行功能的影响。Objective To observe the effect of alcohol motor branch neurolysis of tibial nerve branch on treat gastrocnemius muscle spasticity and walking function in stroke patients.

方法对33例患者行重建钢板、拉力螺钉固定髋臼骨折,同时行坐骨神经探查术,神经损伤者予以神经松解减压或束膜吻合。Methods 33 patients were treated by operation, the fractures were reduced and fixed with reconstructive plates and screws, and the neurolysis about the sciatic nerve were performed.

结论肌滑移术疗效可靠,对复合型病例可同时施行骨性手术或神经内松解术。Conclusions Muscle sliding operation was effective management for Volkmann ischemic contracture, and the skeletal operation or neurolysis could managed for the complex type in the meantime.

目的比较即刻行切开减压术,1周、4周、12周行神经松解术治疗前臂缺血性肌挛缩的疗效。Objective To compare effect of fasciotomy for Volkmann contracture of the forearm immediately and neurolysis for Volkmann contracture of the forearm at 1 week, 4 weeks and 12 weeks in the models.