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中后卫,22岁,多特蒙德Defender, 22, Borussia Dortmund

有沙尔克、多特蒙德和门兴。You had Schalke, Dortmund and Monchengladbach.

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总体而言这场比赛阿森纳打得不错,多特蒙德是一支优秀的队伍。Overall it was a good game, Dortmund are a good team.

比主场人数,有巴塞罗那,多特蒙德或皇家马德里。Barcelona, Borussia Dortmund or Real Madrid on numbers.

如果加盟多特蒙德,我只希望在那里踢上6个月。If I come to Dortmund then it would only be for six months.

我们期待着沙欣能为球队带来他在多特蒙德的表现。We expect Nuri Sahin to do as much for us as he did for Dortmund.

上个赛季的财政问题让昔日豪门多特蒙德队濒临破产的边缘。Financial problems left Dortmund on the brink of bankruptcy last season.

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温格同时也在观察多特蒙德的苏伯蒂。Wenger has also been linked with the Borussia Dortmund defender Neven Subotic.

这里是多特蒙德音乐厅,它是世界上最精良的音乐厅之一。After sting This is the Dortmund Concert Hall, one of the world's finest auditoriums.

“这是很少的几项自由之一”,来自西部多特蒙德市的舒马赫表示。"It was one of the few liberties, " said Schumacher, who is from Dortmund in the west.

我认为多特蒙德是我们最需要担心的对手,他们是上赛季德甲最棒的球队。I think Dortmund are our toughest opponents, they were the best team in Germany last year.

多特蒙德将在1月14日客场迎战勒沃库森开始下半赛季的比赛。Dortmund will travel to Bayer on 14 January for the second half of the season curtain-raiser.

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多特蒙德即将打响加入德国足球甲级联赛的第21个年头后的揭幕赛。Borussia Dortmund had to play the season-opener away from home 21 times in Bundesliga history.

多特蒙德和其他鲁尔地区的城市,一直没有办法完全弥补输出到中国钢铁厂的就业机会。Dortmund and other Ruhr cities never fully recovered jobs lost to China's new titans of steel.

出线资格看上去会落在我们、多特蒙德和马赛之间,所以这场比赛至为关键。It looks like it will be between us, Dortmund and Marseille so it will be a vital game for us.

德国多特蒙德机场已经关闭。杜赛尔多夫机场已开放,但又取消航班。Germany's Dortmund Airport has shut its doors, Dusseldorf Airport is back open but reporting cancellations.

德国的多特蒙德机场已经关闭,杜塞尔多夫机场重新开放,但航班被通知取消。Germany's Dortmund Airport has shut its doors, Dusseldorf Airport is back open but reporting cancellations.

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在1月26日联赛下半程拜仁作客多特蒙德的比赛中我们可以知道更多。We will know more on 26 January when FC Bayern kick off the second half of the season at Borussia Dortmund.

我明白这是对我个人和执教能力的一个考验,他能否在多特蒙德获胜部分也取决于我。I knew it was test for me and my coach skills and it partly depended on me whether he would win in Dortmund.

这位克罗地亚国脚会在尤文终止合同以后,以自由球员的身份加盟多特蒙德。The Croatian international arrives at Dortmund on a free transfer after his contract came to an end at Juve.