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那么东大营的官兵们在918事变后为什么会放弃抵抗?But why they give up the resistance after Mukden Incident?

我遇到一位在沈阳贸易局供职的会说英语的官员。I met an English-speaking official in the Trade Bureau in Mukden.

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因为九一八事变,从哪个角度来看,他都是错的。Due to the Mukden Incident, from which point of view, he is wrong.

第一部分为九一八事变的历史背景。The first part of the historical background of the Mukden Incident.

此事件有各种不同的名称,包括奉天事变。This event is known by various names, including the Mukden Incident.

第二部分为九一八事变的爆发与东北沦陷。The second part of the outbreak of the Mukden Incident and the fall of the Northeast.

随着铁路建设的南满,奉天成为俄罗斯的大本营。With the building of the South Manchurian Railway, Mukden became a Russian stronghold.

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示威者以纪念1931年日本占领中国东北的“九一八事变”为口号。They mark the anniversary of the 1931 "Mukden Incident" that led to Japan's occupation of north-east China.

但是,廖兵团刚开出沈阳不远,锦州便告失守,防守该城的十二万蒋军全军覆没。Chinchow, however, fell and with it 120,000 troops while the Liao Army Group was just a little way out of Mukden.

几年来,大北公司从一个满清王爷手里租赁了一个富丽堂皇的院子,这位王爷辛亥革命以后回了奉天。For several years Great Northern had rented a palatial compound from a Manchu prince, who had returned to Mukden after the revolution.

十月三十日沈阳失守。几天后,内蒙地区通往华北的门户热河省会承德也告失守。On October 30, Mukden itself fell and a few days ater Changteh, the capital of Jehol and gateway through Inner Mongolia to North China.

我坐火车从沈阳前往北平途中,看到了蒋军已经失去内在自信心的一个鲜明的写照。A very striking picture of the loss of internal self-confidence in the army was furnished me on the train I traveled on from Mukden to Peiping.

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这一天是九一八事变79年纪念日,该事变是由日本皇军军部发动的借以挑起侵满战争的阴谋。The date was the 79th anniversary of the Mukden incident, a plot by Japanese Imperial Army officers that helped provoke the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.

在20世纪20年代,沉阳桥是首都的军阀张作霖,谁被打死时,他的火车附近炸毁沉阳在日本看守的铁路。In the 1920s, Mukden was the capital of the warlord Chang Tso-lin, who was killed when his train was blown up near Mukden at a Japanese-guarded railway bridge.

1931年“九·一八”事变后,东北地区沦为日伪统治,经济发展受到政治的左右。In 1931, after the Mukden Incident, the Northeast was controlled by the authorities of Japan and Manchukuo, the economic development subject to the political changes.

全文共分为三部分,叙述“九一八”事变以前,东北城市近代化的相关问题,主要是围绕城市公共管理与市民生活这两个核心问题展开讨论。The paper discusses the related problems about modernization of northeast cities before Mukden Incident, mainly about the urban public administration and citizen life in three parts.

武汉地方军事当局自“九一八”事变起即按照国民政府的统一部署,开始了武汉城防战备。The local military authorities of Wuhan started the city defense and war readiness according to the unified arrangement by the National Government right after happening of Mukden Incident.

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每套约五十匣,作为紫禁城内位育斋、宁寿花园符望阁及盛京奉天行宫等宫殿的陈设。Each set contains about fifty cases that formerly decorated such palatial areas in the Forbidden City as the Weiyu Studio and Fuwang Hall at the Ningshou Garden as well as the Mukden Palace.