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IEEE1451标准正是为了解决这一问题。IEEE 1451 is proposed to solve the above problems.

他是ACM和IEEE计算机协会的成员之一。He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.

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最后讨论了智能传感器标准的未来发展。At the end, the future development of IEEE 1451 is discussed.

IEEE系统,人和控制论汇刊.B辑,控制论。IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics.

我们会很自然地想到使用IEEE32位浮点数来表示坐标值。One obvious coordinate representation is IEEE 32-bit floating point numbers.

该系统各器件间的信息交换满足IEEE-488标准。The communication among all devices in the system satisfies IEEE Standard No. 488.

基于802.15.4的无线传感器网络查询质量优化算法。Query Quality Optimization Algorithm in IEEE 802.15.4-Based Wireless Sensor Networks.

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最后通过对IEEE-30及IEEE-118测试系统的仿真计算验证了该模型及算法的有效性。The approach proposed has been successfully tested on the IEEE 30 and IEEE 118 systems.

CAM守则有24强制性的个人责任,IEEE守则中10条。The ACM code has 24 imperatives for personal responsibility. The IEEE code has ten points.

所有被本次会议由IEEE出版,凡被大会录用的文章都将被EI和ISTP收录。All Accepted Papers will be published by IEEE , Which will be indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP.

IEEE为RPR制定了一个规范草案,可望今年内获得批准成为标准。The IEEE created a draft specification for RPR and is expected to ratify the standard this year.

基于IEEE802.16m标准,该测试网络同时在1080p的3D屏幕和16台1080p的屏幕上演示了其超高的速度。Based on IEEE 802.16m, its speed was showcased on 1080p 3D and 16 1080p screens at the same time.

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JTAG作为测试标准已为芯片设计与制造厂商接受和应用。As an IEEE test standard, JTAG is accepted and used by many IC design companies and manufacturers.

比方说,如果你是一名电气工程师,查询下IEEE协会能够提供些什么会很有用。For example, if you’re an electrical engineer, it’s useful to see what things the IEEE is offering.

通过对IEEE-30节点和IEEE-57节点试验系统的算例分析,说明了本文研究工作的有效性。Calculation results on IEEE 30-bus and IEEE 57-bus test systems show the validity of this thesis's work.

IEEE已经将超宽带技术作为高速无线个域网物理层的实现方案。IEEE proposes ultra-wideband as the realizing scheme of physical layer in wireless personal area network.

当坐标值变得较大时,IEEE浮点数的部分子像素信息将被丢弃。As objects move to larger coordinates, IEEE floats will slowly drop bits of sub-pixel position information.

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另外,我们会庆祝同事们获奖,比如有个人成为了IEEE的研究成员,或者进入了其他研究机构。In addition, we celebrate external worth like somebody becomes a fellow of IEEE or some other instiitution.

物理卷必须具有相同的惟一标识符、物理标识符或一个IEEE卷属性。The physical volumes must have the same unique identifier, physical identifier, or an IEEE volume attribute.

研究者在四月份的美国电机及电子工程师学会会刊医学版上对他们的模型进行了描述和分析。The researchers describe their model and analysis in the April issue of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.