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我所知道的一个事实是妇女在正朝和副朝时是不允许把脸遮起来的。I know for a fact that women are forbidden to cover their faces during Haj and Umrah.

她急于告诉她的两个女儿关于妇女参加正朝和副朝的一些重要事项。She was eager to inform her daughters about the important rulings for women performing the Haj and Umrah.

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我说,我们所有人,包括来自世界各地的女人当他们的履行正朝或副朝时都穿白色衣服。All of us, I said, including women from all over the world wear white clothes when they perform Haj or Umrah.

穆斯林朝圣者圈在一年一度的朝圣朝圣,11月6日,2010期间,在这座宏伟的清真寺在麦加天房。Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba at the Grand mosque in Mecca, during the annual haj pilgrimage, November 6, 2010.

托普卡匹博物馆先前同意向2012年1月大英博物馆的哈吉展览借出一件重要文物。The Topkapi Museum had agreed to an important loan for an exhibition about the Haj that the BM was planning for January 2012.

后来他多次回来,并在这里完成了硕士学位,他的论文主题是关于麦加和圣城。Over the years he returned several times to the city, first to complete a masters degree, writing a thesis on Mecca and the Haj cities.

桌子上放着一些关于正朝和副朝的小册子,其中一个妇女拿了一本并大声地读了起来。There were a few pamphlets on the table about Haj and Umrah and one of the women reached for one pamphlet and started reading it aloud.

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绿色抵抗在的黎波里的击毙了NTC代表和ALQAEDA基地旅的三号人物,他的车被RPG袭击。Green resistance in TRIPOLI has killed NTC representative and ALQAEDA third in charge of Abdelhakim bel haj brigade. his car was hit by Rpg.

连接着朝觐仪式主要景点的首条地铁线路应于十一月时贯成通车,正巧赶上每年最大一批朝圣者蜂拥而来。Its first line, connecting the main sites of the haj ritual, should be up and running by November, just in time for the greatest annual influx of pilgrims.

后来他多次回来,并在这里完成了硕士和博士学位,他的论文主题是关于麦加和圣城。Over the years he returned several times to the city, first to complete a masters degree and then a doctorate, writing a thesis on Mecca and the haj cities.

哈吉艾哈迈德阿里,在大马士革亲政府的分析师,告诉美国资助的人,自由一台电视,它目前尚不清楚这将代表反对派积极分子,谁都能参加辩论。Ahmed Haj Ali, a pro-government analyst in Damascus, told the U. S. -funded al-Hurra TV that it is not clear which activists will represent the opposition, and who would participate in the debate.