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温柔是女人特有的武器。Blandness is women's special weapon.

传播媒介在基本政治问题上通常采取温和的态度。Blandness in the basic politics of the media became standard.

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如果用传统的方法激发创意,结果可能是枯燥乏味与失败。A check-the-boxes approach to creativity is more likely to result in blandness and failure.

它让我们看到,在春秋礼崩乐坏的社会现实掩映下的温柔敦厚与尊礼重义。From this, we can see the blandness and the vogue of politeness under the shadow of social reality.

齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative.

为了弥补其“索然无味”,飞机上的饭菜往往高盐高糖。That's one reason airline food is often heavily salted and sugared – to compensate for the blandness.

另一个“温和”的原因,就是某些无聊的平台厂商以他们的“审查之手”硬装活菩萨。Another reason for the blandness is the dull censoring hand of the platform holders who are amazingly prudish.

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为了嘲笑20世纪80年代到90年代初的失败,菲亚特敢于跳出箱子思考。Derided for the blandness of its output during the 1980s and early 1990s, Fiat dared to start thinking outside the box.

酵母提取物也被发现,以减少食品中的平淡例如,当含盐量在减少酱汁和汤。Yeast extracts have also been discovered to reduce blandness in foods, for instance when salt content is reduced in sauces and soups.

她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。She stood before me unperturbedly, there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes, but absolutely no any sneer and despising.

于是,这权力令人奇怪地面目模糊,没有形体,令人无法捉摸,它的语言平淡无味,它的决定不知由谁作出。Hence the strange facelessness, transparency, and elusiveness of power, hence the blandness of its language, the anonymity of its decisions.

至于快餐,经常背负导致肥胖水平上升的骂名,不用说使西方文化更加单调乏味这一罪名。Fast food, meanwhile, often gets the blame for rising obesity levels, not to mention the increasing uniformity and blandness of Western culture.

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纵然我泪流满面,你慰以温柔,又有何用。心是自己的,是死是活,决定权都在自己。Say or not does no matter, I cry with tears bestrewing on my face helpless, though you show the blandness. The hear is belongs to everyone, it's decided by ourselves.

人们会意识到大型购物中心的诱惑力并且变得更有需求,同时也意识到这些巨型物增长的苍白和盲目。People will become more aware of the temptations of huge shopping malls and will become more demanding, and also more aware of the grayness and blandness these giant elements grew out of.

对于许多人来说,再制干酪吃起来就像吃无毒害作用的“塑料”,但是因为他们的可储藏性、经济性和柔和口感,再制干酪还是非常流行。For many people, processed cheeses taste "plastic" and innocuous but nevertheless they are enormously popular partly because of their keeping properties, their economy and their blandness.

除了冷静、智慧,在影片中玛索不仅是最具吸引力的人物,而且每次她和皮尔斯-布鲁斯南共同出镜,更能映衬出后者的那种夸张的满不在乎的劲儿。Eluding a cool intelligence about her, Marceau is not only the most fascinating character in the film, but whenever she shares a scene with him, uncovers the turgid blandness of Pierce Brosnan.