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“新约”则贩卖与人为善的道德准则。The new testament is a good code of ethics.

为什么想要研究新约?Why do you want to study the New Testament?

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新约中大部分内容都在讲这一点。Pretty much the New Testament is about this.

新约中哪些经卷是书信?Which books of the New Testament are letters?

新约告诉了我们如何摆脱污渍。The New Testament tells how it is gotten rid of.

旧约怎样行与新约怎样行!What done in O. T. and what do in New Testament?

旧约的哪几卷书是‘诗歌’呢?Which books of the Old Testament are 'poetical'?

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会不会涉及旧约?Am I going to talk about the Old Testament at all?

是塔尔苏斯的保罗编辑了新圣约吗?Did Paul of Tarsus put the new testament together?

它被认为是新约次经。It's considered New Testament apocryphal writings.

然而,他们同时也是中国飞速进步的见证者。But they are also testament to the country’s progress.

顾诵读遗嘱者多,遵循遗嘱者少。But the Testament is more often chanted than carried out.

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以利亚是希伯莱圣经或旧约里的一位先知。Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.

新约里哪部典集是匿名的?Name me a document in the New Testament that is anonymous.

旧约里,神有好多不同的名字。In the Old Testament there are many different names of God.

先知玛拉基写了旧约最后一本书。Malachi a prophet of God wrote the last Old Testament book.

新约的书信列出很多的恩赐。There are many gifts mentiond in the New Testament epistles.

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新约圣经中,地方群体是有会员制的。The New Testament assumes membership in a local congregation.

大博尔山在新约中从未被刻意地提及。Mount Tabor is never mentioned expressly in the New Testament.

旧约人物但以理和约伯,有许多共同之处。The Old Testament characters Job and Daniel had much in common.