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一位不愿具名的银行家说,"REIT投资者就像被汽车灯照住的小鹿一样动弹不得."The REIT investors are stuck like a deer in headlights.

采用瑞图专利同步技术,提升机构由制动电机驱动。The Reit patent synchronous device driven by electric brake motor is equipped.

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同时,一些REIT管理人员表示,他们关注的重点是如何在这场危机中存活下来.Meanwhile, several REIT executives said they are focused on just surviving the crisis.

EITs增长的第一波高潮,发生在国会1960年法案通过之后One--the first wave of REIT growth occurred right after Congress passed the 1960 bill.

投资者表示,他们认为整体REIT市场将显示持续恶化.Investors said they believe the overall REIT sector will reflect continuing deterioration.

一进大学,我感到思想上卸了一个包袱,就像我们的同班同学一样,大家都想放松一下。Aa soon as I was enrolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind. So did my classmates.

据此前报道,联合信托和中信证券已经向人民银行提交了房地产投资信托基金试点方案。It was previously reported that Union Trust and Citic Securities had submitted a REIT piloting scheme to the People’s Bank of China.

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领汇事件虽然在社会上引起争议,但似乎又增加了巿民对法庭的信任程度。Amidst the controversy surrounding the Link Reit listing, people have apparently increased their faith in the courts. There are, however, warning signals.

而平均变异检定法则是用以检测投资者是否能透过加入不动产投资信讬于原有的投资组合来改善其投资机会。Mean-variance spanning test is used to examine whether investors could improve their investment opportunities through adding REIT portfolios to benchmark portfolios.

房屋委员会决定,将领汇房地产基金上市日期押后,目前预期在下星期一上市,以澄清败诉的公屋居民是否会上诉。The Housing Authority said it had decided to delay the listing of Link Reit until the appeal was clarified. The listing of Link Reit has been re-scheduled for next Monday.

"明年可能会开始试行REIT,"Mitchell说,"他们将养老基金和保险公司视为主要投资者,也包括普通人.""A pilot REIT could possibly get underway next year," Mitchell said. "They see pension funds and insurance companies as the main investors, as well as the man on the street."

请留意管理人不能就怎样填写通知表格向阁下提供咨询,亦不能解答个别个案的问题。Please note that the Manager, RREEF China REIT Management Limited is not in a position to advise you on how to fill in the notification forms or answer queries on individual cases.

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符合规定的REIT不需要交纳公司所得税和资本利得税,但其资产构成、收入来源和收益分配均要符合一定的要求。Compliance REIT companies do not need to pay income tax and capital gains tax , but its assets composition, source of income and income distribution have to meet certain requirements.

相对于国外发达的房地产投资信托而言,我国房地产金融市场的发展滞后,远远跟不上房地产业发展的步伐,严重制约了我国房地产业的发展。Compared to REIT in abroad, the development of finance in real estate is laggard in China and restricts the development of real estate industry. REFT comes out in the form of in trust in China.

有关私募有价证券转让之限制,应于不动产投资信讬受益证券以明显文字注记,并于交付应募人或购买人之相关书面文件中载明。The transfer limitations of privately placed securities shall be explicitly noted on the REIT Beneficial Securities, and recorded in related written documents delivered to the subscriber or purchaser.