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他身穿黑色礼服,看上去帅气十足,风度翩翩。He looked so handsome in his tux.

跟小企鹅来一场记忆比赛。Have a memory competition with Tux.

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在可见模式中无法移动小企鹅。You cannot move Tux in visible mode.

利用键盘的方向键来移动小企鹅往上到门口。Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door.

于是我身着盛装,他穿着帅气的燕尾服——手拉着手一起去麦当劳吃了顿晚餐。I dressed up, he had a tux on. We went to McDonalds.

至于贾斯汀的燕尾服和老式发型?As for Justin with his tux and his side-slicked hair?

帮助小企鹅逃出洞穴。你必须找出小企鹅所藏的数字。Help Tux escape the cave. Tux hides a number for you to find.

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按下一只小企鹅来听它隐藏的声音,并且试著配对孪生声音。Click on a Tux to see its hidden sound, and try to match the twins.

我乘飞机离开洛杉矶,换上晚礼服,参加颁奖典礼,然后匆匆飞回来。I flew out, put the tux on, went to the ceremony and flew right back.

每只小企鹅都有个相关连的声音,而每个声音都有一个完全相同的孪生声音。Each Tux has an associated sound, and each sound has a twin exactly the same.

当这个系统回复而且小企鹅进入淋浴间之后,帮他压一下淋浴按钮。When the system is back up and Tux is in the shower, push the shower button for him.

利用向上键来前进,而其他方向键则让你将小企鹅转向至其他方向。Use the up arrow to go forward. The other arrow let you turn Tux in another direction.

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小企鹅有麻烦了,需要搭船通过闸门。请帮助小企鹅并且去了解运河闸门是如何运作的。Tux is in trouble, and needs to take his boat through a lock. Help Tux and find out how a canal lock works.

在小企鹅和右边脱离区域之间的距离代表著你距离正确的数字有多远。The distance between Tux and the escape area on the right represents how far you are from the correct number.

一次只可以翻转两只小企鹅,因此在你寻找它的孪生声音时,需要记得声音的位置。You can only activate two Tux at once, so you need to remember where a sound is, while you listen to its twin.

把球放进洞里。如果电脑必须放进最后一颗球的话,就算你赢。如果你想让小企鹅先开始,只需要按他一下。Place balls in the holes. You win if the computer has to place the last ball. If you want Tux to begin, just click on him.

基斯身穿黑色礼服站在牧师身旁,他后来告诉我,等待婚礼仪式开始时他感到心潮澎湃。Keith stood near the preacher in a black tux and he told me later his stomach was doing flips as he waited for it to begin.

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克林顿在送女儿走下长廊时身着一件简单的黑色晚礼服,翻领处的纽扣孔上插了一朵白色小花。Bill Clinton, who is pictured walking Chelsea down the aisle, wore a simple black tux with a white boutonniere in his lapel.

在右上角蓝色方格中输入一个数字,小企鹅会告诉你是否所猜的数字太高或太低,然后再输入另一个数字。Enter a number in the top right blue entry box. Tux will tell you if your number is higher or lower. Then enter another number.

使用左箭头和右箭头键打开。你的时间越长按住键,越远企鹅会变成这个方向前进。Use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to turn. The longer you hold down the key, the farther Tux will turn in that direction.