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人用两足行走,双手得到解放,可以用来抓握和操作。Bipedal locomotion in humans frees the hands for grasping and manipulation.

事实上,这种走路模式受天择青睐,也许是许多因素造成的。In reality, a number of factors probably selected for this type of locomotion.

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观察双足运动时中枢神经的应激性是否有性别上的差异?Sex Differences in Spinal Excitability during Observation of Bipedal Locomotion.

自上世纪60年代起,鱼游运动机理分析一直是研究的热点之一。Fish swimming locomotion mechanism is one of the hotspots in the field of mechanics since 1960s.

呈剂量依赖性诱发了刻板性动作。小鼠移动行为及刻板性动作实验结果的比较。Dosage effect on ICR mouse locomotion and stereotypy behaviors compared with saline control group.

通常于水中绕体纵轴做旋转游动,速度适中,或伏于基质上缓慢运动。Locomotion by swimming while rotating about its longitudinal axis, or by slow gliding over the substrate.

移动能力是由步长决定的,因此增加步幅有着巨大的经济优势。Locomotion really is priced by the step, so increased stride length has tremendous economical advantages.

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惊人的移动方式,鸟儿似的鸣叫,东部黑冠长臂猿可以称得上是名副其实的表演家了。With its spectacular locomotion and haunting, bird-like calls, the cao vit gibbon is a real show-stealer.

受天择压力,他们朝向耗能较少的移动模式演化,因而脊椎柱更长,更灵活。Selection pressure for this efficient style of locomotion favored longer and more flexible spinal columns.

料液密度影响雾滴喷射的初速度和雾滴运动速度的衰减。The liquor density influences the muzzle velocity and the attenuation of spray droplets' locomotion velocity.

植物表面蜡质的物理结构和数量能够影响植食性昆虫的附着和移动。The physical structure and amount of plant surface wax can effect insect herbivore attachment and locomotion.

但是像给胃肠道胶囊添加主动机动性的其他尝试也许只需几年时间就能实现。But other efforts, such as adding active locomotion to gastrointestinal capsules, may be only a few years away.

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神经组织损伤可造成患者躯体感觉、运动功能障碍和严重的心理功能失调。Disorders of somatesthesia and locomotion and disturbance of mental function appeard when nerve tissue is injured.

他们发现毒蕈碱能刺激神经兴奋,并引起八目鳗运动。Their work determined that muscarine stimulated neural activity, leading to locomotion in the laboratory lampreys.

而因为他们用滚动作为一种移动方式,以这种形式的最宽松使用来说,他们也只是“轮状组织”。And even they are “wheeled organisms” in the loosest use of the term, since they use rolling as a form of locomotion.

哈林说,目前的计画包括研究狐猴的运动、颚力强度与指猴的觅食行为。Current projects, Haring says, include looking at lemur locomotion and jaw strength and at aye-aye foraging behavior.

马车依靠动物拉拽拖动,从各种大小的狗拉的车到巨象拉动的大辂。Carts rely on a draught beast for locomotion and can vary in size from dog-drawn gigs to Tholephant-pulled mega-wains.

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然而,接触性抑制移行现象的分子机制一直未被科学家破解。并且,科学家们现在还没在活体中发现这一现象的存在。However, the molecular basis of contact inhibition of locomotion and whether it also occurs in vivo are still unknown.

与其它固定不动并群体生长的软体动物不同,扇贝拥有移动的本领。Unlike most mollusks , which tend to anchor themselves in colonies and stay put, scallops have the gift of locomotion.

另一种模式认为,我们两条腿走路的习惯源自早期的爬树动作,这种动作现在所有的猿类动物都有。The other model traces our two-legged walking to earlier tree-climbing, a mode of locomotion that is used by all living apes.