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脚垫。底座。浴室。Base. the bathroom.

浴室在哪里?Wheres the bathroom?

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套房配有蒸汽浴室。Steam suite with a bathroom.

我们正给浴室贴壁纸。We're papering the bathroom.

我喜欢宽敞、干净的浴室。I need a big, clean bathroom.

浴室配有独立淋浴间。Bathroom with separate shower.

柏蒂进入浴室。Birdie goes into the bathroom.

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厨房浴室柜。Kitchen and bathroom counters.

补充浴室用品。Replenishes bathroom supplies.

为什么要检查洗手间?Why do you check the bathroom?

厨房浴室水槽柜。Kitchen, bathroom sink cabinet.

呃,浴室简直就是一猪圈啦!Ugg, this bathroom is a pigsty!

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我们被强行拖进了洗漱间。We were haled into the bathroom.

柏蒂从浴室里出来。Birdie comes out of the bathroom.

你有在浴室唱过歌吗?Do you ever sing in the bathroom?

水是从浴室中溢出来的。The water shed from the bathroom.

我需要一个新的浴室洗手台的水龙头。I need a new bathroom sink faucet.

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浴室里有一块踏垫。There's a bathmat in the bathroom.

你在我的洗澡间里干什么?What are you doing in my bathroom?

如果你站在浴室的秤上。Here you stand on a bathroom scale.