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戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。I do not banter you, I am in earnest.

他辨出这玩笑话里有真意在。He senses the truth beneath her banter.

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戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。It is rude to banter a man out of his senses.

今天,一个传言为女人们的说笑蒙上了阴影。Today the ladies' banter is darkened by speculation.

那丑星被认为是个逗乐子的好手。The star clown was considered a master of witty banter.

负面言论可能是卑鄙的闲言碎语,也可能是友好的打趣。Sludge can be mean-spirited gossip or even friendly banter.

欢唱还会培育提升者所需的内省,让提升者能够清晰地觉知到自己的内在。Banter fosters the introspection necessary to realize itself.

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可能谢尔威算一个,也许我们之后会在推特上开些小玩笑。I know Jonjo is on there and maybe we will have a bit of banter.

以下我们将为阅读这篇文章的提升者提供一份欢唱的例子。The following is an example of banter for those reading this essay.

有一次,一个英国人和一个苏格兰人在一起戏谑。Let an Englishman and a Scotchman come together for a bit of banter.

就像他们所说的,这听起来就像是我能在位于巴黎的家里听到的笑话。As they talk it sounds like the kind of banter I could hear at home in Paris.

喝茶寒暄过后,大家登上一架苏制安-24型轻运输机。After light banter over tea, we boarded a Soviet An-24 light transport aircraft.

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每条稍有几分幽默的评论和戏谑的抨击都必须包含着一种流行文化的引用吗?Must every semi-witty comment and dash of banter contain a pop-culture reference?

看完之后我大笑,然后回信用几乎是谐谑的口气安慰了他。I broke into laugh after reading it, and comforted him almost in a tone of banter.

然后是一连串的继续,向开玩笑一样足足持续了有两页纸那么长。Then a stream of promotions and legal banter dragged on for two full page lengths.

我来到球场希望兄弟们能踢得漂亮,我们也像往常一样在板凳上打打闹闹。I come and wish the boys the best, and we try and have a bit of banter on the bench.

终于,达西对伊丽莎白稍许随和了一些,两人也相互。Eventually Darcy unbends a bit toward Elizabeth, and the two engage in ironic banter.

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那些希望看到克鲁尼诙谐戏谑和招牌的电力十足微笑的观众们要失望了。Those expecting Clooney’s usual witty banter and megawatt smile will be disappointed.

不过,这段小插曲可能会成为下次他在北京愉快的鸡尾酒会上的笑料。Still, this episode might make for jolly cocktail-party banter next time he is in Beijing.

你们说的全是搞笑的废话,种族主义大粪。Guys your totally out of topic. all you know is to banter about some nonsense, racist slur.