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我的寓所和她的地产毗邻。My small rectory abuts her estate.

教区长的住宅烧毁,但教堂本身幸免。The rectory burned but the church itself was spared.

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这间屋子是个乡村别墅,当初它是作为教区长的住宅而建的。The house itself was a plain suburban villa that had been built as a rectory.

房子是普通的乡村别墅,当初是作为教区长的住宅而建的。The house itself was a plain suburban villa that had been built as a rectory.

帮我应门的年轻人说“是个女人,说留言是她放的。”The young person who answered the rectory door said that it was “the woman who said she left all the notes.

罪行被宗教的外衣遮避了,而性骚扰者则被包庇乃至再次犯罪,只因为“普世教会的好处”。Crimes were swept under the rectory rug, and molesters were protected to molest again for the “good of the universal church.”

大约过了一个小时,我俩像两只歪歪倒倒的双桅帆船一样无助地四处乱逛,又碰巧从教士家路过。About an hour later, drifting around helplessly like a couple of drunken schooners , we happened to pass by the rectory again.

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在一个小小的爱尔兰村庄中,牧师非常地喜爱鸡舍中的小鸡。Thee priest in a small Irish village was very fond of the chickens he kept in the hen house out the back of the parish rectory.

不过,借着横过马路,走在另一边,而看着前面的教师住宅不看酒店,他征服了诱惑。Nevertheless, he overcame the temptation by crossing the street, walking on the other side, and looking at the Rectory ahead instead of the tavern.

她早期的小说是在父亲的汉普郡牧师住宅的楼上写成的,但一直没有出版。1800年,全家搬到了巴斯。在那儿,写作几不可能。Her early novels had been written upstairs in her father's Hampshire rectory , and remained unpublished when the family moved to Bath in 1800, where writing became almost impossible for her.