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不可能。Not likely.

这个不大可能。This is not likely.

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极有可能是累了。Tired, most likely.

我得病的可能性有多大?How likely am I to get it?

他今天是否可能打捉错用神电话来?Is he likely to ring today?

这很可能是个什么陷井。This is what is likely to trap.

在某种程度上,这是有可能。To some extent, this is likely.

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他今晚不见得会来。He's not likely to come tonight.

这种说法很可能是不真实的。This assertion is likely untrue.

我可能会罹患前期糖尿病吗?Am I likely to have pre-diabetes?

最可能的结果是不分胜负。The most likely result is a draw.

很可能是被磁化了。Is likely to be the magnetization.

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贝尔淡化了可能的影响.Bair played down the likely impact.

最有可能引起痛经的原因是什么?What is likely causing my symptoms?

她更容易起疑心。She is more likely to be suspicious.

潮流很可能不会再倒回去了。The tide is not likely to turn back.

哪种人更可能骚扰儿童?Who's more likely to molest a child?

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欧洲的不安可能会渐长。Europe 's disquiet is likely to grow.

下面就是七宗最值得期待的收购案。Here are the seven most likely deals.

这个党有可能分裂成两派。The party is likely to split in half.