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她声称自己是无辜的。She professed herself to be guiltless.

修道院院长在年轻的修道士中接纳了三人进入教团。The abbot professed three of the young monks.

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他口口声声表白不知道这件事。He glibly professed his ignorance of the affair.

政府伪称关心穷人。The government professed to care about the poor.

她的神态显出一种她并未实际感受到的快乐。Her manner professed a gaiety that she did not feel.

他的荣誉被一个表示友好的人玷污了。He is dishonoured by a man who ever professed to him.

马尼安蒂仍称对女儿的过去感到惊讶。Mr Magnanti still professed to be shocked about his daughter’s past.

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这个算法现在要,解决的就是这个问题。The algorithm on mine professed to be implementing now is this thing.

我很好奇你们怎样调和这些东西和你声称的对自由的爱。And let's hear how you reconcile them with your professed love of freedom.

“我所信仰的上帝是一位二次机会之神”,比尔·克林顿曾宣称。"The God I believe in is a god of second chances, " Bill Clinton professed.

欧阳先生一生教书育人,他将自己评价为一个地地道道的教书匠。Dedicating his life to education, Mr Ouyang professed to be an out-and-out teacher.

这就像一个自称不相信有鬼的人叫鬼故事吓得心惊胆战一样。It was as if a professed unbeliever in ghosts should be frightened by a ghost story.

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他拒绝承认自己崇拜魔鬼,公开表明了自己的信仰的力量。He refused to admit he was a devil worshiper and professed the strength of his faith.

从肖恩-卡西迪到保罗-麦卡特尼的每个艺人曾说过,那是种情绪。It's a sentiment once professed for every artist from Shaun Cassidy to Paul McCartney.

她刺痛,她回忆说,特殊的夜晚,当布莱尔宣称他的爱给她。She tingled as she recalled that special night when Blair had professed his love to her.

布莱克大法官照章办事,逐字逐句宣读了条款的其余文字。As for the remainder of the provision, though, Justice Black professed to read it literally.

曾有一名男子,年轻的时候立志以后成为一名伟大的作家。There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.

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多年来,斯派德承认自己更愿意宅在家里和家人一起,只是偶尔工作。For years, Spader professed a desire to stay home with his family and work only sporadically.

苹果的扩张源于很多像17岁的王尚彦这样的专业的苹果痴迷者。The expansion is driven by customers like Wang Shangyan, a 17-year-old professed Apple maniac.

虽然有两国间宣称的兄弟情,但金同志会反感中国增加的影响。Despite the two countries’ professed fraternal love, Mr Kim will resent greater Chinese influence.