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能在数码管上显示键码。To nixie tube display key code.

对于那些追求独特的朋友来说这款手表真是再好不过了。The Nixie Watch is great somebody that wants to be unique.

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采用限位开关、按钮、数码管、直流电机等器件实际制作。The elevator model was made by using devices such as limit switch, nixie tube, direct current motor.

这块表似乎专为科技狂人而设计,因为它是利用数码管来显示时间的。This watch looks designed especially for science geeks, because it displays the time on nixie tubes.

报道指,1996年乌克兰议员叶夫根尼·谢尔班与妻子在顿涅茨克机场被枪杀。Reports that in 1996 Ukraine Member Evgeny Nixie Er Ban and his wife were shot in the Donetsk airport.

水妖从教堂回来,发现小鸟们飞走了,撒腿就追。When church was over, the nixie saw that the birds had flown away, and she followed them with long strides.

但年复一年水妖没再现身,磨坊主心中的一块石头总算放了下来。However, year after year passed, and the nixie made no further appearance, so the miller began to feel at ease.

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小车行驶时间,路程和路面金属板块数用LED数码管显示。The sedan plyes time , the metal plate figure on journey and pavement displays in the way of LED's nixie light.

你好,我的名字叫倪谢。我能通过控制我的脸表达悲伤、发怒、困惑、激动,甚至无聊。Hello, my name is Nixie . I can tell that I'm sad, mad, confused, excited, or even bored, just by moving my face.

线路板上的数码管能显示运行时的计时时间和参数设定时的参数值。Nixie light on the PCB can display timekeeping time during operation and parameter value set during setting parameter.

是一个用遥控器程序。能在数码管上显示键码。自己改动下就可以用,方便实用。Is a process by remote control. To nixie tube display key code. Their changes can be used on, convenient and practical.

其系统硬件由设置、采集、控制三部分组成,支持键盘输入与数码管显示。The hardware is made up of setting, acquisition and control component, which supports keyboard input and nixie tube display.

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跟那些不知数码管为何物的朋友提个醒,数码管是十分精巧氖气显示管,在1969就被用于计算器中。For those that don’t know what nixie tubes are, they were used back in 1969 in calculators and are quaint neon display tubes.

本文所设计的正弦信号发生器主要由DDS波形产生模块、单片机控制模块、键盘输入模块和数码管显示模块组成。This system consists of DDS signal generator module, MCU control module, keyboard input module and nixie tube display module.

系统通过按键切换实现实际温度和设定温度在数码管中的显示和更改。The real temperature is transformed and the set temperature in the nixie tube is displayed and altered arbitrarily with the button.

小姑娘又扔了一块镜子,镜子变成一座光滑的山峰,任水妖怎么爬也难以爬上来。Then the girl threw a mirror behind her, which turned into a glass mountain, which was so slippery, so slippery that it was impossible for the nixie to climb over it.

可是等她取来斧子把玻璃山砍开时,小兄妹早已逃得远远的了。女水妖只好又回到井里去了。However, by the time she returned and had chopped up the glass mountain, the children were far away and had escaped, so the water nixie had to trudge back to her well.

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采用ADUC812单片机、数码管等,设计了集成化、嵌入式的自检测系统硬件电路,并利用汇编语言编程实现了机内自检测软件。Then, the integrated and embedded self-test circuit was designed based on single chip ADUC812 and nixie tube etc. The self-test software was programmed based on assembly language.

“别着急,”水妖说,“我会让你过比以前更富足、更幸福的,但你必须答应把家中新降生的小东西给我。”"Be at ease, " answered the nixie . "I will make you richer and happier than you have ever been before. You must only promise to give me that which has just been born in your house.